Chapter 1

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Tyler's pov 

It feels like being numb. Not wanting to get up out of bed. Everyone is messaging you but you never look at them. You still roll over every morning expecting them to be there, only to find empty sheets. Not wanting to eat because everything reminds you of them.

That's how I feel everyday. I miss her so much. The only thing that is keeping me from committing suicide is three people.




I love them with all the love I have left.

Kylee is one who I can call over Skype and talk for hours to, and do it again the next day.

Daejha is one who texts me throughout the day, encouraging me to eat.

Jason is the who comes over to my house every morning to pull me out of bed.

Without them, I wouldn't be here today. I'm laying in bed, staring at the wall. Like I do every morning. I imagine all the great times we had, and how I could have been a better boyfriend. Great, now I'm crying. I wipe away the tears but they keep flowing down like the river she loved to swim In. I smile softly as I hear my front door open and close. I roll over and pull the blankets over my head. As he comes walking through my bedroom door he says

"Hey Tyler! It's time to get up man! It's a beautiful day."

"Do I have to? I just want to sleep." I mumble. I was just starting to drift off when the blankets were ripped off my bed. The cold air hit me like a bullet. I curl up in a ball and groan out in annoyance. He grabs my arm and pulls me off the bed. I frown as he pulls me into a hug. Which was kind of awkward for me because I'm only wearing boxers.

"Your going to be fine. Everything is going to be okay." he whispers in my ear. He runs his fingers through my hair as I continue to cry on his shoulder. My crys die down and we pull away from the hug. He reaches up and wipes away the tears.

"let's go eat. Take a shower and get dressed." he tells me.

"can't we just stay home?"  I complain.

"No! You need sunlight and human interaction."

I groan out in annoyance, again, and go to take a shower.

Time skip to when they get to IHOP

Jason's pov

We get to IHOP and Tyler doesn't seem to happy. Who am I kidding? He's been absolutely miserable ever since Brean died. I hate to see him like this. He barely gets out of his house, doesn't ever go on the Internet, and his sleep is full of nightmares.

"Jason?" He mumbles.

"Yeah?" I look at him. He's staring out the window.

"Tyler? What's wrong?" I ask him. At first he doesn't say anything, then he sighs.

"I'm... I'm"

"Your what?"

"I'm Bi." He blurts out. A few people look at him for a second then go back to what they were doing. I honestly didn't see that coming.


"ok? That's it? You don't think I'm disgusting?" He asks in disbelief.

I shake my head. "No! Tyler I need to tell you something too."

"What is it?"


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