Opening my eyes I try to adjust my vision to the lighting. Blinking a few times the blurriness clears up and I notice I'm in a very blank room. Glancing down I see I'm in green baggy pants and a white T-shirt. The sign on the middle makes me confuse...
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3rd Person's POV
Sammie tosses around and rolls and shakes in her sleep. Steve who is lying beside her feels her tossing around and wakes up.
Groggily he looks over and says, "Sammie are you okay?"
Snapping himself out of his tired trance, he notices she is spazzing a little and crying in her sleep.
"Help... Someone... Please help me... Steve..."
Steve moves and leans over her, "Hey Sammie. I'm here... No one is going to hurt you... Sammie!"
As soon as Steve lays one hand on Sammie's arm, she sits up and flicks her hand over from Steve to the wall. Within a second, Steve flies into the wall and then convulses on the floor.
Sammie who is in shock, fixed her eye sight on Steve who she had just electricuted.
"Oh my God!" She jumps out the bed and runs over to Steve who is now catching his breath.
"I'm so sorry Steve. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to... I didn't even know... I-I..."
Steve holds a finger up while trying to breathe in and out. Tears fall down Sammie's face as she looks over his body. The large cut she gave him yesterday was now bleeding again, his arm was already starting to bruise from hitting the wall, and obviously she had hurt him.
"I-I have to go... I have to get out of here..."
Without another word, Sammie grabs a jacket off the door and runs out the room. Steve tries to get up but falls down to the ground.
"Sa-Sammie wa-wait!!"
Taking a deep breath in he pushes himself up using the wall and stumbles out the room. Shaking his head and running out the open door of the apartment he follows where Sammie had just ran away. He pushes open the apartment building door harshly and stands in the middle of the empty sidewalk looking both ways down the empty street.
And yet again she was gone.
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Steve had put on clothes and had been walking all around town trying to find Sammie. He looked in every diner and every hotel, but still nothing. Standing looking at all the buildings he sees one in particular and frowns, 'Man I'm stupid.'
Knock knock.
Tony Stark gets out of his warm cozy bed only to feel a hand pull his arm.
"Where are you going?"
He turns around and looks back at Pepper, "Someone's at the door. I'll check it really quick."
"Okay hurry back."
Tony nods and grabs his silk red robe off the chair by the door then walks down the hallway. Walking past Dylann's dark room he frowns. He knows it had only been a day so far but he had already missed her.
Shaking his head, he remembers why he got up and continues on to the front door. The persistent loud knocking was now making him real annoyed.
Yanking the door open, it reveals the one person he never thought would come see him.
"What's up Capsicle?"
"She's gone."
"Who's gone?" Tony frowns.
Steve frowns and crosses his arms, "Don't play dumb with me right now. Sammie... Dylann she's gone."
Tony shakes his head in disbelief as he opens the door wider, "What do you mean she's gone? She was with you! Did you do something?! What the hell happened?!"
Pepper runs to the door to see Tony yelling at Steve Rogers. Both of them look upset and tired.
"Hey boys stop! Let's talk in a civilized manner. What's going on?"
"Dylann's gone!" Tony says as he turns around to pace behind Pepper.
"What? Gone? Steve what happened?"
"We were asleep and I felt her tossing and turning so I wake up and try to see whats wrong. She was crying and mumbling for someone to help her then she cried out for me... I went to touch her arm and she woke up. She didn't mean to but she flew me into the wall and electricuted me. When she fully woke up she saw what she did and she ran. As soon as I got outside the building she was gone."
Pepper looks over at Tony with sad eyes. Tony sighs and waves his hand at Steve to come in. Steve walks into the tower and sits at one of the chairs by the kitchen island.
"So I came here to ask if you know where she is. I thought maybe she would've been here also."
"No her room is empty..." Tony says holding his head, "I know where she is."
Steve holds his head and looks at Tony with wide eyes, "Then what are we sitting here for? Let's go."
Tony holds up a hand as if saying wait and grabs a seat beside Steve.
"I said I know where she is not exactly the location of where she is."
Steve frowns shaking his head in confusion, "Uh what? What does that even mean?"
"Two years ago, Dylann did the same thing to me. Pepper was off on business, so I was in the lab downstairs working on my suit. Dylann was in her room. My lights started flickering and so I went to go check on Dylann. She was tossing and turning just like you said and crying... She said she didn't know where she was or who she was... I tapped her shoulder and flew through the wall to another room. That was the first time she knew she had powers. She ran away in fear and hid so well we couldn't find her."
"Well then how did you?"
"We didn't she came back on her own."
Steve sighs, "How long?"
Tony looks over at Pepper with a look asking if he should tell Steve but Pepper just nods.
"A month."
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