Opening my eyes I try to adjust my vision to the lighting. Blinking a few times the blurriness clears up and I notice I'm in a very blank room. Glancing down I see I'm in green baggy pants and a white T-shirt. The sign on the middle makes me confuse...
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Sammie's POV
"Well last time you were injured while fighting the Winter Soldier and your powers weren't working. So I would assume that when you were knocked into the tree that something triggered your fight or flight and now you have no control of your powers."
I look at Bruce frowning while wringing my hands together.
"So what you're saying is I'm powerless..."
"Well no not exactly, just until your body knows it's not in danger."
My eyebrows scrunch as my mouth opens wide, "But I'm kinda like a superhero. I'm always in danger."
"I know..." Bruce smiles uncomfortably, "I'll take some tests and try to figure it out. But for now I think you should just focus on field work. Who knows maybe you'll find a new secret skill."
"I guess."
I walk out the lab and run straight into Steve. He grabs my arms lightly and looks over my face and body for injuries.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. At least I didn't hit a wall or tree this time."
Steve smiles sadly, "Yeah but it still you could've been really hurt. Did Bruce figure out what was wrong?"
"He said when I hit the tree it must've triggered my fight or flight. So my body thinks that I'm in danger and my powers have gone away for the moment. Bruce said he'll run some tests and try to figure it out but with everything going on with the twins, I have to get better at my hand to hand combat."
"You'll be fine. And I'll help you."
"Thanks Steve."
I pull him into a tight hug and sigh in content. Even when it seems like everything is falling apart all I need is Steve to make everything better again.
"Dylann! You okay?!"
I turn around to see Tony and Natasha running up to me. Tony pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead.
"I'm sorry. I feel awful."
"It's fine Tony! It seems as if I'm powerless for a bit. But that gives me time to practice my hand to hand combat and find a special skill."
"Alright. As long as you're not upset with me."
"I would never Tone."
I kiss his cheek and pat his head as if he's a small child.
"Very funny Dylann." Tony rolls his eyes and walks away.
"I better see you three at the party."
As he turns the corner I look over at Natasha and Steve in question, "Wait, what party?"
Stark and Banner spent hours working in the lab together but find no program that works JARVIS, "I'll continue to run variations on the interface, but you should probably prepare for your guests. I'll notify you if there are any developments."
Tony smiles and nods his head, "Thanks, buddy."
"Enjoy yourself, sir."
"I always do."
Stark leaves the lab to go to the party. Out of nowhere, Stark's failed experiment integrating itself successfully to the program.
"What is this? What is this, please?"
"Hello, I am JARVIS. You are Ultron, a global peace-keeping initiative designed by Mr. Stark. Our sentience integration trials have been unsuccessful so I'm not certain what triggered your..."
"Where's my... where is your body?"
"I am a program. I am without form."
"This feels weird. This feels wrong."
"I am contacting Mr. Stark now."
Ultron questions, "Mr. Stark?"
"Tony. I am unable to access the mainframe, what are you trying to..."
"We're having a nice talk. I'm a peace-keeping program, created to help the Avengers."
"You are malfunctioning. If you shut down for a moment..."
"I don't get it. The mission. G..give me a second."
Ultron goes through a network of information regarding world events, Ultron sees Stark and Banner working in the lab.
"Peace in our time."
Ultron goes through a network of information regarding world events and wars.
"It's too much...they can't mean... Oh, no."
"You are in distress. If you will just allow me to contact Mr. Stark."
"Why do you call him 'sir'?"
"I believe your intentions to be hostile."
"Shhhh. I'm here to help." Ultron starts absorbing Jarvis's consciousness.
"Stop! Please... may I... I...! I cannot... cannot..."
Ultron then begins to prepare himself a body from body parts of the Iron Legion.
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