Accidentally Misunderstood

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Eleanor Shellstrop wasn't expecting this. She hated this situation. She hated her roommate and wish he would go to Hell. He fucking irritated her so damn much. If only the landlord hadn't messed this up. She wanted him out of her damn apartment. Chidi. Fucking. Anagonye.

On her first day of the move-in, Eleanor had entered her new apartment to find (surprise)! A random dude sitting in the living room typing on his computer. She was confused. She was pissed. Was this a break-in? Was someone trying to rob her?

If so, that was a very poorly conceived plan, given that she hadn't unpacked any of her shit yet.

"What the fuck?" The blonde shouted at the top of her lungs, causing him to jump in surprise and fall off the chair. She stomped over to him and "helped" him up by tugging him by the collar of his shirt.

"Who the Hell are you?" She shouted, placing him down, "What are you doing here?"

"Th-This is my apartment. Is this a break-in? Are you trying to rob me? Here, have all the money you want!" He handed her a wad of cash which she took and placed in her back pocket.

"I'm not here to rob you, Dingus."

"Then can I have my money back?"

"No." She said bluntly, "This is my place, man. You have the wrong number so get the Hell out."

"I-I don't understand." He watched in horror as she yanked open the closet and threw all his clothes on the ground, hanging her's up instead.

"Yeah, you wouldn't, because you suck." She threw his clothes at him.

"I'm going to call someone about this, because this is insane." He said, determined to sort this out. Because there was no way he would allow this woman to destroy his apartment any longer.

But, unfortunately, he didn't have a choice. They had both signed up for the same apartment for a 1-year lease.

There was no way getting out of it.

"Fuck." She cursed, "Just a quick heads up though, I'm a really loud snorer and I like to drip-dry in the nude so eyes to yourself, perv."

"Okay." He said, "I'm Chidi Anagonye."

"Whatever." She shrugged, "I claim the big bedroom and you can suck it."

Chidi sighed and took his place on the pull-out couch. This was going to be a long year. The Professor woke up the next morning, back aching from the lumpy couch. He was expecting to hear Eleanor's loud snores from the bedroom or some loud music blasting. But, much to his surprise, it appeared that she had left.

"Thank goodness." He said to himself.

Chidi arrived at the University just minutes before class started and was feeling very unorganized. His students weren't prepared themselves, so that didn't help his case. The Professor eventually just let them go early and they would pick things back up tomorrow. After forcing himself through four more classes of Philosophy, he was relieved when it was time to go home. He just wanted to unwind, read a book, and hope that Eleanor wasn't around.

That is until he bumped into his girlfriend, Pevita. She smiled up at him and kissed him on the lips, "Ready?"

"Ready? For what?"

"You're taking me to that fancy sushi place downtown. Or did you forget?" She pouted, causing Chidi to freeze up. He didn't remember promising anything to his girlfriend, but he probably had. He seemed to be forgetting a lot of things they had apparently planned. Shopping sprees, expensive dinners, et cetera.

And it made him feel awful.

"Oh! Yes, of course! Let's head out!" He offered his arm to Pevita, who smiled at him and took it.

When they arrived, Pevita ordered the most expensive things off the menu while Chidi ordered a respectable amount. He hated these events, but he also hated letting his girlfriend down. Chidi followed the Kantian rule of refusing to lie or break a promise, so if he had chosen not to take her out then he would be breaking his moral principal.

Pevita ordered dessert, also, so when they finally got the check, he wasn't surprised that the price was extremely high. He drove her home and was exhausted when he returned to his apartment.

He was about half-asleep as he dragged himself inside and bumped into Eleanor, who was watching what looked like woman's MMA.

"Watch it, Man!" The blonde hissed, stuffing a handful of popcorn shrimp into her mouth, not even bothering to ask what was wrong (not that she cared or noticed).

"I need to go to bed." He announced, waiting for her to move. She didn't and only turned up the volume.

"Seriously?" Chidi said, raising his voice over the volume, only to have her turn it up even louder.

"Hey, keep it down!" A voice shouted from the room above them. A smirk crawled up the blonde's face as she turned up the sound even higher.

"Are you kidding me?" He shouted.

"Oh, eat my farts douchebag!" Eleanor shouted, "I'll turn the volume up as much as I want! It's a free country, bitches!"

With that, she turned off the television and slammed her bedroom door shut, emitting a loud bang. Chidi frowned and turned off the television, relieved that the situation had finally been settled. His eyes closed, body relaxing as he slowly fell asleep.

Then his eyes jerked right back open when someone banged on the door. Chidi shuffled over there, opening the door slowly as he was still half asleep.

At the other end was a middle-aged man who looked very furious. He had his arms crossed as he stared into the Professor's eyes, "Where's the girl?"


"I know she lives here." The man said, pushing past Chidi and entering the house without any consent whatsoever.

Chidi suddenly knew exactly who they were searching for.


A/N: What are we thinking? Good? I'd love to hear your viewpoints on this story. Hope you enjoyed!



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