Accidentally a Pushover

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Chidi Anagonye had just finished his last lecture of the day when he got a call from Pevita. Smiling, he clicked answer.

"Hey the--"

"Be quiet. Get your car we're going shopping."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Did you forget our plans, honey? You said you'd buy me some new dresses."

"I can't say I do." The Professor admitted, "But I hate to break a promise."

"Yes, you're the best!"

"N-No, that's not what... you see, I have some prep I need to do tomorr...fine. I'm heading out right now..."

"Awes! See you soon, baby!"

Hanging up the phone, Chidi walked out of his class to grab his coat and grey hat. He sighed when he saw he only had three dollars in cash, and only enough on his card for one dress. Though, hopefully, she would decide to only buy one dress just below his budget. What's the worst that could happen?

The Professor sighed, about to walk out the door when his phone ring for the second time that day. Not bothering to check the number, he answered the phone while he walked on.

"Yes, Pevita, I'm on my way and don't worry, I have plenty of money to buy you a new dress."

"Who the fuck is Pevita?" Eleanor said, "It's me, douchebag. I was just wondering if you wanted to get Chinese tonight. When are you headed back?"

"I'm not sure." Chidi answered honestly, "But if it gets late and you are really that hungry, you could always order ahead."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, you don't need to worry about me." He assured, "I doubt I'll have enough money to pay half of it, anyway."


"My girlfriend said I promised her to buy her some new dresses, and I don't remember saying anything. But also, I don't want to let her down. I can't just out and tell her that I don't have enough money to spend."

"Sure, you can." The blonde said simply, "She needs to buy her own shit for once. There are more important things you need money for, like rent and food." The blonde spat.

"I know, but..."

"No butts." The blonde said sternly, "You tell that bitch that she hafta back off."

"Listen, Eleanor, I don't know if you noticed, but I am very bad with confrontation." He paused for a moment, "Why do you care, though?" The Professor questioned.

The blonde paused, "Be quiet, dummy and just go tell her what a bitch that she's being!"

"Pevita is not being a bitch, she just...knows what she wants."

"Yeah, and what she wants is your money! Look, I have dated a lot of dirtbags, but I have never... surprisingly... pulled a Pevita. Dating someone for cash is like, the pettiest reason to date someone. When I need cash from my dates, I'd just steal a twenty-dollar bill out of their wallet." She admitted, "Point being, you need to face reality and see that this assface is no good for you. Be a man, for once Chidi."

"But that's the thing, I don't actually want to break up with her."

He was in the parking lot now, on his way to pick up Pevita. His phone was now connected to his Bluetooth, so the two could continue their conversation as he drove on.

"Alright, we can't be having this conversation anymore, I am right in front of her house. Here, she's coming out now. I need to hang up, Eleanor."

"No, no. Keep it on, I'll be quiet. I just wanna hear what you're gonna say to her." She said excitedly, "Because this is either going to be hilarious or a surprising success."

"Well, that's reassuring." He said sarcastically, "Seriously though, just hang up."

Reluctantly, she did just so.

Right before Pevita slid into the passenger's seat and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hopefully you brought your wallet, because I need like, five new dresses."


He banged his head on the wheel and drove off without a single complaint. Inside, he knew Eleanor was right. That he had to stand up and say 'no' to her expensive requests, that were getting more lavish every time.

His wallet was crying and so was he, on the inside.

As much pain as he was feeling, he still couldn't muster up enough courage to say the words.

Instead, they drove on. It took him a bit to find a parking space, which irritated both him and his girlfriend.

The two eventually headed inside, Pevita leading him over to the most expensive clothing store in the mall.

He let go of her arm before they could reach the store, announcing that he had to go to the restroom. This did not sit well with Pevita, but she sat down, nonetheless.

Not much longer did she hear a phone beeping.

It appeared her boyfriend had forgotten his phone.

She swiped it unloaded (Chidi didn't have a password) and read the most recent text.

Eleanor: Did u break up w/her?

Eleanor: Or did u 🐓 out?

Pevita licked her lips, nodding slowly. Was he seriously trying to break up with her? Why? Was it because of Eleanor? Who the Hell was this bitch?

Fingers hovering over the keyboard, she typed a response.

Me: No. I care about Pevita and I'm never gonna break up with/her.

Eleanor: That's bullshit. You totally chickened out, man. Like, WTF?

Me: And why are you trying to get me to break up with her? You know we love each other.

Eleanor: Yea ryte. U <3 her, she's in luv with ur $$$. Plus, we live together man.

Pevita closed the phone's screen and tucked it into her pants' pocket when she saw Chidi walking over.

"You ready?" The Professor questioned, offering his arm. She rejected it and walked ahead, tugging him inside the clothing store. He stood in the back, waiting patiently for her to pick out the dresses he couldn't afford.

Once Pevita was in the changing room, she opened her boyfriend's phone back up again and deleted the conversation between "Chidi" and Eleanor. Then she blocked the blonde for good measure.

She didn't want this girl interfering with her and Chidi's relationship. If she convinced her boyfriend to stand up to her, then there goes all her free money.

Pevita summoned Chidi over and handed both the five dresses and his phone back to him. She noticed how miserable he was as he placed them on the table, and frankly, she didn't care.

"Honey?" The girl piped up once they were on the way home.


"Can we swing by your place? I haven't seen it yet." She said. The truth was, she didn't give two shits about his apartment. She just wanted to meet this Eleanor. The girl who was clearly against their relationship.

Chidi seemed weary about hit, but eventually nodded. She smiled and kissed him on the check, making his cheeks redden.

Just like they did every time she was affectionate with him.

That bitch is going down.

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