Laughing. Why Do I Laugh So Much?

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     Okay, right off the bat I'm going to start with laughing. If you know me, you know that I laugh a lot. For instance, sometimes I'll be in class and I randomly bust out laughing. I usually burst out with laughter because I think of an inside joke. Seriously we should all be able to relate to that. Also sometimes I'll look at my friend in class and start laughing because they remind me of an inside joke, hope that clears up some confusion for some of my classmates.

     Although that is a big reason for why I randomly laugh out loud, its not the only. Sometimes I just laugh to laugh. Is that okay? Sometimes I just feel like laughing and to be honest, laughing is really good for you. It helps reduce stress and helps your immune system (random fact there). So that's another reason why I randomly laugh. 

     The last reason is kind of weird not gonna lie. Sometimes I laugh when I'm nervous or when I'm totally blushing inside. You know some guys have that affect (guys please don't analyze that). I might be saying a little to much right now, but laughing is a way to hide feelings. Laughing is kind of my go to. 

     Don't take this as me being fake because it's not at all what I'm trying to say. Sometimes you just have no choice but to hide your feelings. For me, laughing just takes care of everything. Laughing helps me feel better even when I'm really sad or when I'm in trouble. That's where laughing at inside jokes comes in to play. Laughing helps me hide feelings that probably shouldn't be known either. 

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