Popularity (God help me lol)

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     Okay so I seem to have a "problem" when it comes to popularity. I'm not gonna lie, I really do think about this stuff. It's not like I prioritize it, I just think differently about it than other people. I don't want to be too obvious, but I have thought of high school takeovers. (Omggg somebody take away my laptop hehehe). I've thought about how friend groups at school could possibly combine during senior year. You know, a Power Group. 

     My friends have told me over and over again to stop saying that but clearly I haven't. I personally just see a bigger picture and I notice the similarities in these groups (not saying one of the groups is ours, but it is). There's a dominance that I notice in the groups. I'm just gonna leave it at that. 

     Just to make it clear, I'm not saying certain groups are better than others. Just look for yourselves. 

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