Crushes *cue the blushing

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So... It's time to reveal the way I think when it comes to guys. Honestly this just might be an awkward chapter but, oh well. Just a fair warning, I really hope this doesn't sound weird, but it probably will.

Ever since 8th grade, my brain has been up to something. Whenever I go to a new school, for some reason I automatically scan through all the guys to see the options (regretting this already). For instance, in 8th grade, I was the new girl in school. I was super excited to focus on school ONLY. Tell me why, as soon as I walked into the classroom, I automatically ruled out all the guys in the class except for 1. I really feel bad about this but it's hard to control.

This year I'm at a new school and once again, my brain has already sorted out the cute guys. It's pretty much a bad habit now but it got even worse. In 8th grade, my brain only searched for good looking guys. Now my brain looks for guys that fit my criteria for a husband. This would be a moment for one of those awkward laughs.

Now that we got that out the way, I might as well expose myself a little bit or this wouldn't be juicy. When it comes to guys that I either find cute or I like, I get nervous easily, laugh a little too hard, and might act "extra". I'm really trying to change that because it's so awkward and obvious. During the New Years I decided that I would start over with my crushes. So I guess at the moment you could say I don't like anyone, but I'm not gonna lie. I have a soft spot for someone.- yah not anymore🙄


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