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Ah, friends. Some have them and some don't. Obviously I do but I wanted to explain to you guys the level of friendships and how I see them. Clearly some aren't friends but it's just in this category.

- I know who you are and you know who I am. So from here, clearly we're not friends but we're not enemies. We're cool. We can pass by each other and say hi to each other and we're still cool.

-We follow each other on Instagram. We still don't have conversations together but we follow each other on the gram. We might like and comment on each others posts and watch each others story but nothing more. We say hi to each other in person and happy birthday obviously (it'd be rude not to). I don't know if I should call this a friendship or not but we're cool : ).

-I guess we're friends We have each others social media (ig, sc, twitter), we talk in school but we don't talk outside of that. We don't text and don't have each others phone numbers. I'd say we're friends, just not close friends. This is probably one of the awkward stages of friendship. You're friends but neither one of you ask for the others phone number. I personally am a very shy person when it comes to that because who likes getting denied a phone number? So if we're friends and I haven't asked, you know why. I actually would talk to y'all but until then.

-We text regularly and talk in person. Simple as that. An actual relationship. We're definitely friends. Just friends. This goes for everyone up to best friends.

-Imma just skip all the way to besties!! Me and my best friends eat together, text in a group chat literally everyday, and talk in person all the time. It's fun to look back at how I met them. It was a simple friendship built on the fact that we were nervous for school. I made friends with new students and old and now we're like a Power Group. Lol somebody stop me.

All in all, friends are a beautiful thing and I'm happy with the ones I have. For those of you that are in a lower friendship level, that can always change.

Life Through Joy's EyesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora