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"My ass is sweating!" Sam exclaims as we walk to my car after school

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"My ass is sweating!" Sam exclaims as we walk to my car after school. "It actually slides with each step."

"Gross," I say with a laugh. Unlocking the door, I get in and start the engine while Sam lingers outside the door. She's hoping that Dan will show like he'd promised, and they would go wherever it is that they'd planned and then I wouldn't have to drive her home.

While she waits in vain for her loser boyfriend who I already know won't show, I crank up the radio. Never Be The Same blasts and I sing along. I'm still singing when Sam finally gets in and slams the door shut.

"Easy," I say in a warning tone. "Don't take your anger out on my baby."

She reaches over and changes the radio station. Lee Brice replaces Camila Cabello, and I sigh. Country is Sam's go to genre when she's upset and if she's starting this early then her mood probably won't improve any time soon.

She's quiet as I drive, and I can tell that she's pissed by the way that she harrumphs to herself every couple of minutes.

When I pull into her driveway, she gets out but instead of walking away, she looks at me expectantly. It takes me a second to get that she wants me to go in with her. I start to shake my head because there's no way that I can go in there. Jessie's everywhere in that house and the thought of confronting all the memories of us that I'd left behind scares me more than Sam's glare does.

"You owe me this." She folds her arms and her lips quiver. Shit. "You owe me this much," she says quietly.

Reluctantly, I follow Sam inside without pausing to look around at the house that I hadn't been in in over a year.

When we get to her room, I make a beeline for the bed that's easily double the size of mine and throw myself onto it. "I've missed your giant ass room," I tell her with a sigh. Unintentionally, I sniff her down comforter and then hold it close to me. I'm filled with a sense of belonging when the familiar lavender scent works its way into my nerves.

"Q, should I break up with him?" The tremor in her voice makes me look at her instantly. She's staring at me with huge brown eyes that hold tears that are no doubt about to fall.

"I don't know," I tell her, although when it comes to Dan, my answer is usually always to let him go. This time, however, I can tell that she's serious. More serious than she's ever been in the hundred times that we've had this conversation. Somehow it seems wrong to just dismiss it with my usual "hell to the yes!"

She starts to cry and I'm off the bed in an instant and holding her. "He's so wrong for me."

"It be like that sometimes," I say lightly and hope that she gets that I'm trying to be funny. She does. Her entire body vibrates as her sobs give way to laughter. "Maybe it's not you," I tell her while guiding us to the bed. She angles her body so that her head is resting in my lap. I pull at her hair tie and let her mane free. "You were wrong for each other. I mean, you're not even into the same things. You like monogamy and he likes sleeping with random girls."

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