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Three weeks go by and almost everything is back to normal

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Three weeks go by and almost everything is back to normal. The things that are not, are as follows: Mandy, and to a lesser extent, Jessie.

The Jessie stuff isn't really an issue. At least not in the way that it was three weeks ago. This time around it's more about the fact that I hardly see him anymore. It's been this way since he started dating the head cheerleader, Luna.

One half of me tries to be happy that he's happy, while the other half is just content to stay his friend without any of the complicated stuff. The complicated stuff would be the stabs of jealousy that I feel every time they smile at me in the hallway.

I have no right to be jealous. I know. Doesn't mean that I can help the feeling, though. I'm aware that I all but forced him to let me go. But, now that the onus is on me to let him go, I'm finding it hard to focus on the task.

But let me tell you about Luna. First off, I hate the fact that I can't hate her. Like, it's so out of the question, that I have no idea what to do with this extra emotion.

She exudes opulence. And not even in a snobbish way that makes you want to smash her face in. She's genuinely graceful and has an air of queenship that is unparalleled in our high school universe. And to top it all off, she's really nice. Next to her, I probably seem unrefined. Funny thing is, we literally grew up down the street from each other. Go figure.

Our classmates have already started doing polls on who they think would be a better fit for Jessie. Me, or the Prom Queen. Naturally, Luna's winning. But I can't even be mad about it. I mean, come on. She's cotton candy sweet without the cavities, and I'm that piece of caramel popcorn that not even the floss can weed out. Yeah, it's that annoying.

She'd probably be my girl crush if I didn't want to hate her so much.

Mandy, on the other hand, has been acting really strange. She hardly speaks to me. Besides the usual hellos and goodbyes, it's been radio silence. During lunch where she's usually the most animated, she barely manages a smile and I can't help but think that something is very, very wrong. Between the two of us, at least. When she's with the rest of the girls, she's all chatter and bright smiles but whenever I'm around, she's quiet.

Also, she hasn't been particularly nice to Luna either. The one and only time that her and Jessie had eaten lunch at our table, Mandy had been uncharacteristically rude to her. That was supposed to be my job, but since she was already being the mega bitch, I was reduced to playing the nicest ex on the planet.

We're not even going to talk about the fact that it's near impossible to be mean to Luna. Trust me, I've tested it and it's not feasible. So, Mandy's cheekiness was weird. And by weird, I mean fucking bizarre.

Sam doesn't find any of it as weird as I do, and she chalks it up to Mandy just needing a little time to get used to the idea of my being back.

"She was okay when I first started hanging out with you guys again," I tell her as we walk up my driveway. Sure, she'd only offered a few smiles here and there, but she wasn't downright ignoring me like she is right now.

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