0.5 Save People and Kick Some Ass

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Tempest POV※

We all stood around Barry's laptop, he was clicking away. Victor was scanning through the networks. I had my eyes closed, scanning and attempting to sense any over powering presences. 

"Russia.." I shouted, snapping my eyes open. They all jumped at the sudden break of silence. I ran to Barry's  computer. As he also started to pick up on it.

"It's Porzenov..." He trailed off. I nodded, Bruce joined us.

"Northern Russia...." He mumbled under his breath. I nodded as I squinted at the information.

"The Nuclear Plant had a melt down 30 years ago..." I informed. Victor had a projection up.

"There have been some attempts to resettle nearby, but it looks like really rough sledding." Victor added. I watched as Arthur, who had been silent since our encounter, come over to take a look at what we were speaking of.

"Who picks this place to lay down roots?" He asked. I looked at him and shrugged. 

"People who are making it count everywhere else." Bruce informed. Arthur frowned at the sudden retort.

"The Earth starts changing, it'll hit them first." I said. Bruce nodded as we all began to shuffle in anticipation.

"How may hours we got?" He asked. I shrugged, I calculated the amount.

"A few hours..." I said, their eyes widened, the tension in the room growing thicker.

"Transport won't fly that fast..." Diana said, concern lacing. Her eye flicked to me. I raised my hands up in defense.

"Hey! Don't look at me. I can't teleport that far, especially this many people." I informed. They all sighed, Bruce just smirked.

"Don't worry, they will for me." He said as he approached his phone. 

"Hey, if I ever make it big. Don't let it get my head...kapeesh!" I said pointing at Barry. He laughed as he shook his head. 

"Everyone, suit up." Bruce said. I jumped up giddily.

"Can I say it? Plleeeaaase! Just this once!" I plead, giving Bruce puppy dog eyes and pouting. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Fine..." He said. I squealed and looked at the very confused group. Only Diana looked amused. I looked at them with a stoic face.

"Savage Six... suit up, bitch..." I announced. They all blurted out into laughter, I frowned and looked at Bruce who had a small smirk on his face. He patted my back and shook his head letting out low cackles.

"What? Ugh, you guys suck. You ruined my moment. I feel attacked right now..." I ranted.



"Go change..."

"Okay.." I groaned. I hung my head like a grounded child. 

"Ugh, I'm so quitting after this."


"The Unity brings all three boxes together in perfect sync. Its power builds until it can't be contained. But if I can cause a delay between each box, even for a nanosecond... Its energy will cascade. Form a loop. And they'll feed on each other. " Victor informed. We had climbed into one of Bruce's grand and elaborate jets and we were on our way to Russia.

"And that's it? We just pull them apart? No fuss, no muss?" I asked. Victor nodded.

"Separating the boxes is still gonna cause a massive surge. I have to be there. But you guys should think about getting clear." He said. I nodded.

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