Chapter 1 - Confusion

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"Eeh?! Children?!" Amatsuki cried out, seeing the two kids staring holes at the three adults. One kid has particularly familiar white hair and a barcode on his cheek, while the other kid, who seems to be older than the albino, had eyes and hair the colour of the night sky, giving a cool and collected vibe.

"Y'now. They look like Soraru-san and Mafu-kun so much it concerns me." Urata said, shattering the silence. Sakata gaped at the two children and quickly turned his head towards the short one. "Don't tell me- They had kids all along?!"

That earned him a smack to his chest.

"No you idiot! I'm saying that they might have turned into kids for some reason!" Urata shouted, making the small albino they suspect as Mafumafu look at them and let out a small noise from curiosity.

The albino looked like he was probably three years old, which would make sense to say that the Soraru toddler was six years old, comsidering their age gap before they turned into children. Mafumafu grinned widely at the adults, pointing his tiny finger towards the redhead.

"Idiot! Idiot!" He cheered out, repeating what Urata had called him. "Mafu-kun, that's mean!" Sakata complained, giving the kid a despaired look while Mafumafu continues to giggle. "Awh, he's so cuuteee." Urata cooed, lifting the albino into the air.

Soraru simply stared at the white-haired child getting picked up, uninterested. Though, it seemed like he won't take his eyes off the little guy for a while. Amatsuki took the chance to approach Soraru, grabbing his attention by waving in front of his face. Knowing that six-year-olds are probably old enough to speak coherent sentences, he asked the little fellow.

"Hey there, I'm Amatsuki. What's your name?" The brunette asked, hoping the other would understand him. The bluenette stared at Amatsuki for at least five seconds before answering. "So.. Soraru." He said, having trouble saying the letter 'R' which made him sound like he said his name was Sowawu.

"Aww. And what's his name?" Amatsuki asked again, this time pointing at Mafumafu. Soraru again stayed silent for a moment before answering, "Mafumafu." The albino seemed to hav noticed his name being called out, so he climbed over to Urata's shoulder and raised his arm. "Mahumahu! Mahumahu!" He cheered again, chanting his name. Urata held him so he wouldn't tumble and fall from his shoulder while chuckling at how the small one was progressing on speaking. Mafu gave the bluenette a wide grin, which he returned with a small fond smile.

Mafumafu made grabby-hands towards Soraru, so Urata picked up the sign and put the kid next to Soraru. He stated playing his Mafuteru plushie nearby, occasionally giving it to the older child to play with. It was too cute, that Sakata just had to take a picture of them.

"So... what are we supposed to do about these two?" Amatsuki looked back at the two grown males behind him. "Uh... take care of them until they're back to normal?" Sakata suggested, which let out a sigh from Urata. "And i thought they were supposed to release an album in one week." He pointed out.

Mafumafu stared at his plushie in silence for quite a while before hearing his stomach rumble, and cried. Soraru only watched as the smaller one climbed onto him, crying. The older kid also felt his stomach rumble making him look at the three grown men in the room with pleading eyes.

"Uh, ah, what should we do?! Uh, hush now Mafumafu, are you hungry?" Sakata tried to calm the albino down. Madu held his plushie to his stomach and wailed, tears flowing freely from his eyes. "Oh no, i can't cook! And Ura-san isn't good at cooking either!" He redhead panicked. "I can't cook either! What should we do?!" Amatsuki joined in.

"Well, i know some people who could help us take care of these children, but it might be a bit of a trouble..." Urata muttered. "It's not like we have any other choice do we? He does know how to cook and knows how to deal with children even if he is a bit of a... pedophile, i guess."

Sakata and Amatsuki stared at Urata, who was staring at his phone, and gave him a nod. "Well, here goes nothing..."

Ring, ring

"Hello? We need you to help us, Luz-kun..."

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