Chapter 4 - Lost

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Nqrse, who had ran off from his friends with the two toddlers, stopped in front of a children's clothing store. Smirking, the pink-haired rapper dragged the two kids inside for his shopping spree.

"Alright kids, it's time to have some fun!" He exclaimed.


"Hey Amatsuki-kun?"
"Where exactly are we headed to?"
"Now that you mention it.. We only kept walking randomly."
"Oh don't worry about it, i mean, it's only... a... mall..."
"...yeah, a huge one, that is."

Amatsuki, Luz, Urata, and Sakata's expressions dropped as they stopped from their small undirected journey to look at the mall directory.

"...which floor are we on again?" Sakata asked.
"Which floor? Of course it's the second!" Urata exclaimed.
"Second? Wait, i thought it was the third!" Amatsuki joined in.
"Wait! Second?! Third?! Which one is it?!"

Amatsuki laughed sheepishly, giving the other three an apologetic glance. "I totally forgot about my bad sense of direction..." He muttered, leaving Luz jawdropping and Urata nearly fainting.

"How the hell did you even get yourself around then?!"

Luz sighed, seeing the unbearable states his friends are in. "We should find a directory somewhere around the mall, there should be one somewhere..." he suggested. The others nodded and followed behind Luz- by height, making themselves look like a mother hen with her chicks behind her.

Shaking off the bad vibe they got from the earlier dispute, Luz started humming a song quietly to himself. Sakata, who was right behind him, heard the taller male hum and got an idea.

"Hey, what if singing can find our way back?" He asked.

"Are you an airhead? Ah wait, of course you are. How is singing going to get us back?!" Urata shouted at the redhead, making him hide instictively behind Amatsuki. "I mean, that one time we got lost with Maashi and Sensen, we kept singing and found our way back to the studio. Maybe it'll work?" Sakata explained.

The three other males were honestly fed up with how airheaded their friend is, but the starry male, Amatsuki, felt that it was fine to sing.

"Well, singing's okay though. Maybe we'll get more attention and someone will help us? It'll be fun." He said, giving in to the temptation of singing.

Finding themselves in the middle of the mall's plaza, Amatsuki set himself right in the middle and sang.

Amatsuki finished the song pleasantly, gaining the attention of a few people passing by. "Hey, this isn't a bad way to spend time while Nqrse spends his money on Chibi Mafu-kun and Soraru-san, right?!" He exclaimed.

Sakata bounced towards the middle, singing while dancing round and round without care. Soon enough, Urata and Luz joins in, the four of them just singing and laughing without a care, attracting the attention of their pink-haired friend who had just finished his shopping spree.

"Yo! Seems like ya'll having fun." Nqrse greeted, wih the two kids in tow. Mafumafu jumped in joy at the sight. "Mahumahu wants to sing too!" He exclaimed.

"I'll do the rapping!"
"Soraru-kun, join us!"
Everyone starts singing their song energetically, even with Mafumafu's incorrect pronounciations and Soraru's shyness. It still became a great song. The crowd around them cheered loudly, giving them rounds of applause for their performance.

"I never thought Sakatan's idea would be really great, for once." Urata sighed contently. "Nqrse, have you bought everything they need?"

The rapper answered with an energetic nod. "Of course! But, you four have to split the bills with me. These two kids can't pay me even if they're millionares as adults now."


One sentence to describe this exchange...
RIP Sakata, Urata, Amatsuki, and Luz's money.

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