Chapter 2 - Pedophile?

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"Hello? We need your help, Luz-kun... Come to Mafu-kun's house, stat."

Luz stood up from his chair as soon as Urata told him to come, choking on his breakfast. "Did anything happen to Mafu-kun?! I'm going there now!" He shouted, putting on his leather jacket and ran out of the house.

Luckily, Luz's house isn't far from Mafu's. The tall man dashed through the neighbourhood and slammed the door open as soon as he got there. "Mafu-kun! Guys?! What's wrong?!" He shouted, panicking. He looked around to find the albino, only to be greeted by a small child crying in the arms on an older child.

"Omigosh, children?! Whose are they?! They're cute!" Luz gushed, walking towards the two kids. "There there, don't cry~"

Mafumafu's cries became louder instead.

"Keep your pedophile face to yourself, you damn giraffe!" Urata shouted at Luz, who was grinning from ear to ear. His grin turned into a frown a moment later though. "Who are you calling a giraffe?! Just because my neck is a bit long. At least i'm taller, shorty."

The reply made Urata fume, ready to attack the younger, taller one with Sakata and Amatsuki holding him back while the said giraffe patted Mafumafu's head trying to calm him down. The kid eventually did calm down, but he still was suspicious of Luz.

Soraru looked at Mafumafu who stopped crying and pat his head too, before staring at Luz. "Who..?" He said, pointing to the male. "I'm Luz, a friend of theirs~ nice to meet you~"

Soraru made a slightly disgusted face and turned to look at the smaller one. "...creepy." Urata laughed uncontrollably at Soraru's blunt remark. "Wha-?! That's mean!" Luz complained, just like Sakata did.

"Whose children are these anyway?" He asked. Urata, Sakata, and Amatsuki turned to look at each other before explaining. "Well you see... they're Soraru-san and Mafu-"


Amatsuki shouted, effectively shutting the younger male up. "They're litterally Soraru-san and Mafu-kun, Luz-kun." Amatsuki sighed. Luz was about to say another word when Mafumafu pulled on the longer strands of his hair. "Ow ow OUCH! MAFU-KUUNNN STAAHHHP!"

Mafu laughed at the male groaning in pain, while Soraru held in a small chuckle. Urata snorted. "Anyway, back to why we called you... we need you to cook them food." Luz facepalmed. "That's why you should learn how to. Porridge would be okay, right?"

The tall one went to the kitchen after hanging his jacket on the couch, taking out and putting on Mafumafu's white frilly apron and started cooking. The other three were too busy playing with the kids that hey didn't see, or they'll give Luz hell for that sight.

Mafu curled up with his Mafuteru, still sulking from hunger while Soraru simply stares at the kitchen silently. The bluenette suddenly stood up and climbed off the couch, took Amatsuki's phone (which was lying on the table) and walked towards the kitchen. The owner of the phone was wondering what the small one would do to his phone, until he came bsck and handed his phone over to him.

Unlocking the phone, he scrolled towards the photo gallery app as Soraru instructed and snorted loudly. "Oh my god. Soraru, you noticed and took a picture?! Bahahah." He snickered quietly.

Unfortunately for the brunette and bluenette, someone holding a frying pan appeared behind them. Amatsuki gulped, knowing well who it was, before running away. "I'M NOT SORRY LUZ!!!"

Sighing at Amatsuki who ran away, Luz looked at Soraru, the preperator behind the crime. Soraru didn't move a n inch an just stood still with slightly pleading eyes, which had an effect on Luz. "Aww, of course i won't be mad at you, cutie little Soraru-san~" he cooed.

Sakata shivered. "Ugh, pedophile." He said while holding Mafumafu in his arms. Mafu stared at Soraru being doted on by Luz in concern. "Uuh... Sowawu-shan... his smile scwawy..." Mafu whined seeing Luz grinning at the kid. "You better not creep them out, pedophile."

"Anyway... does anyone smell something slightly burning?" Sakata asked.

"OH ****, THE FOOD!!!!"

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