Chapter 3 - More Help

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Luz dropped down on the couch, sighing. "Man, i'm tired. Why are kids so hard to take care of..." he mumbled, stuffing his face onto the cushions. Mafumafu and Soraru are currently eating with Amatsuki supervising them, so Sakata and Urata who heard the male complain simply sighed.

"Says the one who's interested in children below 12." Urata snorted.

"I guess we do need more help. Any ideas on who to call?" Sakata asked, scrolling through his phone. "Senra and Maashi are on a concert so we can't ask them... and i'm pretty sure Kain has something to do today too."

"Why did you suggest getting help from people that can't even handle children?" Amatsuki asked.
"Eh? I thought they'd be great with children."

Amatsuki laughed. "Nah, Shima-kun and Senra-kun would be about as useless as you and Urata. Kain would panic over the kids."

Sakata chuckled at the thought. "Yeah, maybe you're right. They're all busy too right? We could only count on someone who is currently free."

Luz stayed quiet before taking oit his phone and scrolled though his contacts. "Well... i know someone currently free but i think this person might just be a waste of money."

UraSakaAma immediately hid their wallets. "Don't tell me..."

"Yes. Nqrse."


"Heyaa~ you called?" The pink-haired girl(?) or boy(?) cheered, greeting Luz. "Nqrse! Yep, we need your help on something." The tall male said, letting Nqrse enter the house, letting the other see the two children.

"Omigosh, they're cute! And they look like Sorarun and Mafu-kun!" Nqrse exclaimed, ruffling Mafumafu's hair. "You guys are really bad at taking care of kids, aren't you? They don't even have proper clothing!"

Amatsuki just sighed in relief that Nqrse didn't ask about who they were.

But back to the point- both toddlers were indeed still wearing their now very oversized adult clothes.

"Riiight. We forgot about that." Sakata chuckled. Not saying anything else, Nqrse picked up the two children easily and signalled the others to get ready to go outside.


The Seven Utaites went to the mall nearest to Mafumafu's house, since they're all shut-ins. They didn't want to go too far. After reaching their destination, Nqrse suddenly ran off somewhere with the two kids, leaving the 4 males in the dust.

"...where did Nqrse go?!" Luz said, finally realizing that his pink-haired friend was long gone. Amatsuki simply shrugged before walking to an random direction, Urata and Sakata randomly following.

"You know, maybe we should leave this in Nqrse's hands. I mean- at least our money is safe from the guy. He probably went on a shopping spree for those two kids." Amatsuki commented, seeing Luz's concerned face.

"You know what... maybe you're right."

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