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Isla Nublar Falls                  31 Dec 2015

Isla Nublar is no more as Jurassic World falls victim to a mass escape of it's Dinosaur stock. The island owned by Masrani Global has been claimed by their genetically-engineered animals after a soon-to-be display dubbed, "Indominus Rex" escaped it's paddock, instigating in the deaths of multiple park and InGen staff, as well as the injuries of many of Jurassic World's visitors. With lawsuits cornering Masrani Global, Jurassic World is doomed to bankrupsy and Isla Nublar once again, restricted from the public.

87 miles away, lies Isla Sorna, the former breeding ground for Jurassic Park and un-extinct animal preserve. To make way for the displays at Jurassic World, Masrani Global ordered a mass sweep of Isla Sorna, rounding up dinosaurs for their displays. This lead to Isla Nublar being the only island in the Costa Rican island chain to house dinosaurs. Is Nublar the new Sorna? Will the public call for protection for these dinosaurs? Only time will tell.

- Josh Matthews, Solar News.


Washed Up                      14th Jan 2016

The beaches of Caldera, Costa Rica have been plagued by an unsettling sight as many as 20 deceased dinosaurs have washed up onto the Costa Rican coastline. It isn't only on the shores, as fishermen at sea, reported, along with their catch of the day, small dinosaurs, also drowned in their netting. These small dinosaurs have been identified as Copsognathus, small carnivores that were previously on display at the now closed Jurassic World. The explanation for these dinosaurs are still unknown as many dinosaurs that have washed up on the beach have been identified as not present on Jurassic World's display list. This includes the remains of Maiasaura, Dracorex, Herrerasaurus and Microceratops. This certainly begs the question; 'are these dinosaurs from Isla Nublar?'.

-Josh Matthews, Solar News.

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