The Plan

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Mr. Verne pulled out a map of Isla Tacano. There were multiple markings for the facility and roads that were used when it was still in operation.

'So the facility was located here.' he pointed to an area on the southwest part of the island. 'I've chartered a plane to drop you off on the opposite side of the island so you don't get spotted.'

'Do you think there's anyone there still?'

Mr. Verne stood silent

'Maybe... better safe than sorry' he responded. 'Your job is to go down into the wilderness of the island, and document the animals grazing, socialising and above all, living. It's never been so important to us as of now to show the public that these creatures deserve to live'.

I stood silent and thoughtful.

'Yes, of course. I'll do it'. I said with an internal passion I never experienced before.

'Excellent!' Mr. Verne responded with the excitement of a child on Christmas. 'I will email you a list of the contacts I will be hiring to go on the expedition with you as well as a date and meeting place'.

It then washed over me, that I truly never thought I would be here. I never thought for once that I would have the chance to get close and personal with actual dinosaurs.

'Ms. Clarence? Are you alright?' asked Mr. Verne, breaking the silence.

'I just...' I felt a lump in my throat as an overwhelming surge of emotion consumed me. 'This is all I wanted my whole life. To walk the same land, to breath the same land as dinosaurs... and I just wonder... will I truly make a difference?'

The room felt silent as I feel I struck a nerve with Mr. Verne. Like we were kindred spirits, destined to find each other. It felt we had something in common... to change the world for the better.

He took my hand and looked me straight in the eyes.

'I promise, you are the only one in the world who can'. He responded.

I smiled. I picked up my things and walked out of the room to digest what is to come and prepare for an adventure that may change my life, or end it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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