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**Taehyung P.O.V**

It's been three hours since Amber left the hospital when I told her to go rest. I didn't mean it literally— being bored out my mind, I turned on the tv. Not a minute later, a phone was tossed on my bed.

"Isn't that Amber's..." I sat up in the bed, then look to see who threw it.

"Kim Taehyung... the hybrid that was involved in the recent event?"


"You are coming with us"

Before I could even call for a doctor, everything went black. The next thing I knew, I was in this empty room with this little light coming through. Where the hell was I? What did the fuck happen to me? When looking around, I saw another figure in the corner.

"Kookie..." I asked quietly.

You can see the head turn and he walked towards me, a rattling sound was heard. "Tae Tae..." he fell to the ground. A small smile appeared on his face.

"Holy shit, I thought you guys escape?"

"They caught us at a crossing, interrogated us. Until they force us to the ground... and brought us here"  he said as he huffed in pain.

I didn't notice at first when he came to the light more... one of his ears had a piece missing. "Oh my god, what they do to you?" I was trying to see if this was a dream, but it wasn't.

"Tortured me... they were— tryi-trying to get me to tell them where the other hybrids were. But I didn't want to talk... I swear, I didn't rat you out" he chuckled for a bit, blood splatter on the ground. So that's is his blood on the ground.

"I'm in pretty bad shape, I been trying to look for a way out since I got here. But they keep catching me every time. I don't think I can make it— but I'm holding in there for her" Jungkook said as he tried to hold back.

"Where's Kelly?"

"They got her too but, I don't know where they put her. I hope she's still alive..."

"Don't worry, we will find a way out. Somehow, they got Amber... I'm not going without a fight"

He agreed, he leans against the wall holding his side. Kookie wasn't lying, he was on the verge of death.

"There's a guard that comes by once in a while to check on me. I tried to get the keys but too weak to reach them. If you can get those keys then we can get out and find the girls"

"Then let's get those keys"


Kookie and I waited for about an hour or so, the guard finally came to our room. He stood in front of the door, back turned to us. "The keys are at his left side" Jungkook whispered.

Cautiously, I tip-toe over to him. Trying to figure out how to get my hand through, the guard moved a little bit, to a point where I can barely reach the keys. Slipping my hand through the hole in the gate, I grabbed the keys. But the thing was, the keys were on my finger.

One wrong move— and there go the keys. Inching little by little, I managed to slide it down onto my finger. Success! I thought to myself, until...

"HEY!" The guard said. Quickly I unlocked my chains from my ankle. Then, I unlocked Kookie's chains as well.

"Give those back you mutt!"

"That's the only way out... we need to knock out that guard" Kookie said. Without a second thought, I rushed over and unlocked the door while the guy tried to grab me. With the strength I had, I pushed the door open. The guard fell back.

"Nice" Kookie said.

We dragged him in the room, chained him, and locked the door. "You go and escape, I will get the girls" I said as I fixed himself. I was still in pain.... just like Jungkook, I couldn't walk.

"No, I'm going to save Kelly by myself... I got her into this, I'm getting her out"

"You can barely stand, let alone take a step. I can't let yourself get further damaged then what you already are"

"Speak for yourself, I'm willing to die to save the girl I love. No matter how bad I am... making sure she's safe is my top priority" Kookie fell a little as he was saying that. I have to give him props, for taking this chance. I nodded my head in agreement.

"I better see you on the other side"

"You will... good luck Taehyung"

"Good luck Jungkook"

He limped away, tears rolled down my eyes. I should believe that he could do this but... I feel like he's not going to make it. Shaking that feeling off, I headed down the hallway. I didn't know where to look at this point. I don't even know if she's here...

Until I heard voices from inside a room. "Shutting her up is a wish... saying things like that. She's worse than that other girl"

"At least that other girl knows when to shut up. This one won't stop... gassing her is the only way"

"We should have killed the other one too... isn't that the law around that town"

"But it's not our law, one got to die and the other one can be dump back in town so they can deal with her. We got to many human deaths already on our hands. Our jobs are the hybrids"

"True... true"

My whole body was shaking... they weren't talking about Amber, were they? My mind was racing figuring out what to do. "Adam, go can get prisoner 213 readies for gassing" a person said over the walkie-talkie.

"Prisoner??? I got to follow" once the guy got up, I hid behind a wall. A sharp pain rushed through my side. "Ahh... crap" I said as I trail behind the guard. When we got to the cell, I hid again so I won't get spotted.

"Prisoner 213 has already been prepared for gassing sir"

"Set the timer for ten minutes, once that hits zero bye bye girly" he laughed.

"Roger that..."

My heart began to race, again as he set that timer. I had ten minutes to save her or else she's gone. Once the guard walked out of the room. I haul ass... "Amber! Amber are you in there!" I banged on the door.

There was a faint sound coming from inside the room. "Amber! Please say something!" I banged again but harder. Then with my strength I kicked it, no use.



"Huh?" Amber said as her voice began to panic. She screamed...

"Amber!" I yelled.

"Taehyung! Get out of here!!!"

"It's going to be okay... I'm not going anywhere" I continue to bang the door in. But that last hit, had me fall to the floor.

"No! You can't stay! You have to leave!" you can tell that she was in tears.

Not giving up, I tugged on the door—it wouldn't budge no matter how hard our try. "I'm not going anywhere you hear me. I'm staying and saving you"

"But you will die if you do!" she yelled.

"You will die if I don't do something"

"You don't understand... this area is rigged!!" Amber yelled.

"What you mean rigged..."

"That's not real time, the real one is in here with me!"

My eyes opened so wide... "Wait a minute...they going to...!"

𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘔𝘦 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘔𝘦 | 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘍𝘢𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘤Where stories live. Discover now