Chapter 3: new beginnings

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I woke up on a cold, white, floor. Wait in my armor everything looks blue. Then I realized I wasn't in my armor anymore. I looked down at my tentacles...wait I have tentacles? I've never seen myself before.

Then I saw 10 men. "Who are you?" I said realizing that it wasn't a electronic scream. "I am the Doctor." they said together. "The Doctor killed me!" I yelled realizing what had happened. They looked sorry for me?!?!

Then I awoke on earth in armor and bleeding badly. I wasn't dead? I looked around and repaired my weapons at the same time. (we are geniuses I might add). I attended to my wounds as I rolled through the jungly terrain.

I went on for some time trough the jungle looking at this strange planet. I eventually got bored and shot some birds. Ooh, ooh, I got a wolf! "ZAP!" I exclaimed with joy. I was having a splendid time.

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