Deprivation of the Senses

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Red awoke , his heart pounding in his ears, the terrifying rush of fear blowing over him as he stumbled back home. His legs felt like they were breaking at the shin, buckling under the pressure of every step. He felt as though he had been walking for hours, but that couldn't be possible. He had walked this trail thousands of times, it took precisely 24 minutes to get from his station to the house. Boss knew it, and Sans sure as hell knew it. Yet, somehow, night fall was upon him. Deep, inky , tendrils swirled out from behind every tree, enveloping his sight in nothing but the purest black of night.

The chill of Snowdin was slowly creeping in to him, first biting at his toes and fingers, then slowly burrowing in to him, eating away at what little warmth he had. On nights like these it was imperative that monsters found shelter, if the plummeting temperatures didn't get to you, then the REAL monsters would. Not monsters like Sans, he was a monster of the underground, but not of the soul. Cold blooded killers, rapists, kidnappers... they were all opportunistic. And on nights like these, monsters like those would look for an easy hunt. Anything they could cause immense damage to, anything vulnerable, was their play thing. Right now, Sans had a massive target painted on his back.

He was alone,the darkness inhibiting his senses. His vision was already impaired after the last... Punishment... the darkness was now just adding further blind spots. Taking away one of a monsters main senses was considered the best way to hunt them down. Giving them the illusion of a chance for escape made it all the more thrilling when you mentally broke them again, shattering that last remaining shred of hope. How did he know so much about this? One name, Boss. He had tried to explain the purpose and thrill of torture on several occasions. But it never stuck, he just did what he had to to survive in this world.

Finally , the house was in sight... But did he dare go back? He must be hours late by now. What kind of punishment was in store this time? It would be worse than a simple beating... Maybe he should just stay in the kennel, that's what Boss would have made him do. The door was probably already locked.

Just as he turned to go towards the door, a cold black hand reached out form the shadows. His mouth and nose were covered as he was thrust into the snowy ground. No screaming . No breathing.

Authors Note

Are you confused yet? Don't worry all will become clear.
Thank you for supporting me and this book. I don't know if I'd still be writing of it wasn't for the support you guys have given me. I know I'm late with this update but alot has happened over the last week. But it's here now, so I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all in the next one.
Stay Strong Hell Hounds!

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