Chapter 12- performance....

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HOLLA, thank you so much for over 500 reads on this fan fiction and I hope you enjoy this chapter ily all so much!❤️xo

Roses PoV-
"I'm so excited to show my skills in the dances" I say smiling putting my hair in plaits
"I can't wait to dance with you" Amy says smiling
"Me neither" joehannes says smiling
"Awe guys" I say smiling
"LETS GO EVERYONE HANDS IN" Aljaz says smiling we all put our hands in
I climbed up the barriers to the top....
"I don't need a harness just a rope attached tightly thanks" I say he just nods and ties some rope
"Okay just wait for the green light" he says
"Okay" I mumble
I wait for the green light
I swing around the arena and swing down to Amy doing the dance routine she is smiling the whole way as we finish and run off stage.....
"OMG ROSE THAT WAS AMAZING LOVELY" she shouts hugging me
"Thanks aim" I say smiling
"YOU DID IT ROSE WELL DONE" they all say
"Awe guys you the best" i say smiling
"Well what dance is next" I say smiling
"Well next is Dr Ranj then us then the peaky blinders dance then another group dance then interval then i don't know" Di says smiling
"Okay" I say sitting down
I'm staring into space and a flash back comes in....
I'm in my new foster home these people seem nice I hope so not like the ones in the past....
"Hello Jane" I say
"YOU FUCKING CALL ME MRS GRAHAM" she shouts smacking me
"Okay.....Mrs graham can I get some food" I ask shyly
"NO GET TO YOUR FUCKING ROOM MOW NO FOOD FOR YOU FAT BITCH" she shouts I run upstairs before she can catch me and lock the door shut
"OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR NOW ILL GET MR GRAHAM" she shouts banging in the door
I climb out the window and swing on the railing getting down and running off crying my fucking eyes out
I've done it again messed up again I'm such a disappointment.....
"ROSE ARE YOU OKAY" I get shocked out of my trance by Dianne
"Oh yeah I'm good sorry just Day dreaming" I say jumping up
"Okay you looked like you were flinching a lot are you sure your okay" she says
"Yeah I'm good" I say smiling
I get my hair done into a news boy cap ant my suit and stuffs I get ready and then we get on stage I'm dancing with Graziano and some others I love my part I get to be centre stage for some parts it's so good we ran off stage to Graziano picking me up....
"What you doing" I ask upside down
"You did so good so I wanted to get you" he says I laugh
"Okay then is it interval now" I ask
"Yeah we are going for food you coming" he asks
"Nah I'm good I've got something" I say walking off
I walk up the stairs to the roof and sit on the roof watching people walk past the arena they look like ants down there I hear someone come upstairs I run and hide.....
"Is she up here" I say seeing three men in all black hoods up
I need to get away I see a ledge where I'm hiding I I walk around and jump on another ledge then I see a balcony on the side I jump down trying not to make a noise I run inside I'm in someone's dressing room I run out run out the building then I run to the nearest supermarket and slide across the slippery floor to the back of the shop where I waited there for ten minutes then I slowly walk back to the arena running to the girls dressing room bursting through the door....
"Well that was an adrenaline rush jeez" i say smiling
"What just happened" I say seeing joe Dianne and Stacey on the sofa
"We were doing who knows joe well before you showed up" joe says smiling
"Really that's nice wel pretend I'm not here because Im great at hiding" I say smiling
"And also I'm such a fan of you stace wow I watched your docs on my care home computer and I love you just pointing it out" I say sitting on the makeup desk
"Awe sweet I love you" She says
I put my headphones into my iPhone 6 because Di got me it I'm so grateful for it I start listening to songs watching as they film the video they all look so happy and such best mates I wish I had friends like that but my own age nobody really likes me because of who I am and what I am I need to clear my head I walk out the dressing room and walk around the rooms thinking about everything getting it out of my head clearing my mind well trying to at least.....
"SHOWTIME FOR THE NEXT GROUP DANCE COME GET YOUR COSTUMES" he shouts I walk over and get my suit and stuffs I get ready I re-do my plaits and smile at joe and Di hugging I watch as they are laughing I stare into space for a little to long....
"Hello rose EARTH TO ROSE" Graziano says laughing
"Oh hello I'm back what did I miss" I say
"Not much really we are going to perform now" he says I take his arm smiling
"Okay" I say smiling
I get to know Graziano whilst we walk he's such a down to earth guy....
We are dancing then I see someone having a panic attack I run away from stage swinging on the railings grabbing some water from someone I get over to her and sit down next to her......
"Hey breathe with me in....... and out" I say repeatedly helping her breathe I give her the water she takes a sip
"T-t-t" I stop her
"Just breathe okay don't talk it will make you panic more keep calm okay" I say helping her up then swinging back down to Graziano getting back into the routine swiftly

HOLLA, I hope you are enjoying this story so far if you would like to comment what you like or any ideas you want me to add I'll put them in giving you credit ily all❤️xo
Next chapter- the hunters become the hunted......
Bec xo

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