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I have a question for yall so I'm making another fan fiction and I would like to know your opinions so.....
'I'd fight for her'
One girl strictly fired up and ready for a new series but scared to find her partner if he's a young hot lad will come on this series her boyfriend max of two years hates her only is with her for the fame he abuses her and makes her feel depressed she needs a friend who she can vent to her thoughts were interrupted when a young blue eyed boy bumped into her....
Basically Dianne hasn't ever opened up to anyone, in some ways a mystery to people, on the other hand joe a popular man on YouTube always seems so happy and cheerful in camera off camera is depressed and suicidal and never has felt happy another mystery they get partnered on strictly come dancing and we'll.....
Baddies in the story- danny john jules, max obviously, Giovanni, in some parts Janette
Opinions down below it will be up over this or the other story ends....
Bec x

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