Chapter 11 (Part 2)

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After class, everyone was leaving. Cheryl and Toni met at the students lounge. As they hugged, Toni was about to give Cheryl a kiss on her cheek and she went too close to her mouth. The corner of both their mouths had touched and then quickly separated. Both of them had gotten a glimpse of what they would feel like.

They sat on a silver bench, they were completely alone.

"What were you and Kevin talking about?"-Toni asked, then took a sip of her coffee.

"In class? Nothing. He was gossiping about a girl."-Cheryl said.

"Why? He's gay."-Toni said.

"BECAUSE he's gay."-Cheryl laughed. "No, he was just asking me, maybe to keep the options open?"

"There's no way. He's with Moose."-Toni said.

"You know about that?"-Cheryl said, looking at her.

"Yes! I see them together on empty classrooms and hallways sometimes. When we go to the roof, they're always one floor away from us."-Toni said, laughing.

"I've never seen them. Do you think he has seen you? Us?"-Cheryl asked, knowing that he had.

"I don't think so."-Toni said.

"Well, turns out we're not that slick. He did see us."-Cheryl said.

"He didn't tell you to stop talking to me, right? I helped him escape multiple times."-Toni said.

"Um, no. And I did not know that. He's not like the others."-Cheryl said.

"Girls!"-Malorie called and they both looked up at her. "Let's go to the projection room."

Both girls got up and followed her. They got presented to ideas and the vision of what Malorie wanted their department to be all about. They were working for almost two hours on papers and laying down possibilities for the project.

"Okay Cheryl, so when you present in front of everyone..."-Malorie started saying than got interrupted.

"Who's everyone?"-Cheryl asked, panicking.

"Well, the deans board, professors and you class. Toni, too."-Malorie said, her and Toni smiling at each-other.

"Our class will attend? I didn't know that."-Cheryl said, getting insecure a little.

"It's okay. They probably all envy you. You'll do great."-Malorie said. comforting her.

"Oh, we definitely envy her. You're going to do amazing."-Toni said, supporting her.

"I'll be up there with you."-Malorie.

"And I'll be in the crowd, cheering you on."-Toni whispered to Cheryl.

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