Chapter 17

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While Toni was thinking of ways to talk to Cheryl about their feelings towards each-other, Cheryl was looking for ways to move on from her. She loved Toni, so much, but she knew that the more she stayed around, the more she'd get hurt. She started focusing on her studies way more, with the exam week starting in a couple of days. The last time she hung out with Toni was that day that Kevin was with them. She was doing everything to not let her heart get crushed more. She even told Kevin to introduce her to some of his girl friends who were into girls, obviously.

Now almost all of their friends knew the girls were into each-other. They started to act civil and not share nasty looks between one another. Everyone was calm and collected, besides Toni.She knew she was with the wrong person. Her boyfriend wasn't a bad guy. He did love and care for her. Most of the time, at least. And she cared and loved him because why else would they be together all this time. But, he was nothing compared to Cheryl. She felt so much more for her. It was beyond her how someone could make you feel that way. So strong but weak at the same time. To be comfortable and safe with someone but also nervous being around them. She would do absolutely anything for Cheryl. Without thinking of the consequences.

One night, they were texting because it was pretty late and Toni couldn't hold it in any longer. She had to stop pretending.

"Cheryl, what am I to you?"-Toni said.

"What do you mean?"-Cheryl said. She was laying in bed and got this weird feeling about that question so she stood up and sat, looking at her phone stressed.

"If someone asked you what I am for you, what would you say?"-Toni said.

"I would say that you're someone that I can share myself with and not regret it. Someone who truly knows my soul."-Cheryl said.

Toni smiled then Cheryl texted her again.

"The girl I wish I'd known sooner."-Cheryl said.

Instantly, Toni's mind went to the coffee shop, when she had first heard Cheryl say how much that sentence meant to her. After that, Toni was certain that Cheryl deserved to know how she felt.

"What are we? Have you ever thought about it?"-Toni asked.

Cheryl was sensing that something was going on.

"I have thought about it but I don't have an answer. So, if you do, help me figure it out."-Cheryl played it safe.

"I know that we're not just friends. That's for sure."-Toni said. "I know that friends don't talk and behave like we do around one another. You don't act like that with Veronica, right?"

"What do you think? Of course not."-Cheryl said.

"I don't feel what I feel about you towards anyone else. I never have. And saying this to you, also admitting it to myself, is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do."-Toni said.

A tear escaped Cheryl's eye as she read those words. Everything that she had been wanting to hear for such a long time, was finally being said to her. And it wasn't her mind making it up this time.

"I hope you know that you're not alone in this. Because I wanted you since the beginning and I never once, stopped wanting you."-Cheryl said.

After the longest time, both of them knew what they meant to each-other. No more wondering, no more overthinking and uncertainty. But, the reality is that, it wasn't that easy.

"But..."-Cheryl said. "We can't happen. And you know that."

Even tho she knew, deep down Toni knew what Cheryl meant, her heart skipped a beat. She had to go back to reality and figure herself out.

"I know. You have no idea how hard it's been to actually realize everything. To come in terms with everything that's been going on lately."-Toni said.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. I think it's okay to not know what you want sometimes."-Cheryl said, even though it was paining her to actually write those words.

"Cheryl, I know what I want. I've known for quite some time now. Do you think you can wait for me? Until I do something that I have to do."-Toni said.

"Toni, I have been waiting for you without knowing if you'd ever come around. I want to wait for you. But, I need to know that it's not going to be for nothing. That in the end, I really will have you."-Cheryl said.

"I promise you, it's different now. I need you to know that."-Toni said.

And Cheryl did know. From now on, everything truly was different. Or it was going to be, soon. And with that thought on her mind and a smile on her face, Cheryl fell asleep that night. She was peaceful. Knowing that someone really did love her. And she wasn't going to let this one go.

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