Chapter 1

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I run away from my black armored attacker managing to keep a few meters ahead of him while covering my right shoulder as it gushes out blood. I don't dare to look as I run partly because I know its really bad but also because I need to keep a look out for my last hope a blue dim lighted portal. I then suddenly think I cant run forever! As my chest is starting to tighten, I quickly scan the dark forest, the seemingly ancient trees leaves are covering what little light the dim moon is giving off. I hear in the dead of the night the clanks of metal against metal and a gruff voice yell "you cant escape me boy! I don't care who you are!" into the incredibly dark night.

My legs are aching as I stop for a second to get my bearings though it doesn't help much as I'm not exactly familiar with the terrain. I breath heavily as my lungs feel like their about to burst knowing I cant hope to beat that knight without a weapon and my energy to is to low to make one. My eyes widen in fear as I hear his heavy but surprisingly fast armored footsteps getting closer, I look around one last time seeing nothing of importance and bolt. Thinking I see the familiar light it should be-no! It HAS to be the portal I cant run for much longer! As I get closer to the familiar blue swirl of the portal I faintly smile as I know I'm almost free then quickly look behind me and gasp as I dodge a swing of the dark bladed sword. But that doge somehow gets me farther from the portal and I see the knight in black armor stand in front of it blocking my path. He states "your not running away from the Demon Lord this time boy"

I stand their breathing for a second looking for any openings to get directly at the portal but find only one. I tell myself "thats crazy! But its has to work" so I remain quiet and suddenly bolt at him and slide directly between is armored legs and into the portal. It quickly closes behind me not allowing anybody else to go through, when it closes I get enveloped in blue light instantly feeling a hundred times better.

I sigh in relief and take the seconds that I'm in the portal to calm down from my deadly experience. Then once I'm out I remove my hand from my shoulder and smile widely seeing no blood in sight and my wounds are healed as usual. I look around seeing my very familiar bedroom also as usual with its light purple walls and black furniture, but before I have time to sit on my bed I hear a rapid knock on my door as well as my mother yell "Elizabeth! Time for school!"

I jump at the knocking but get calmed by her voice and reply "ok be down in a sec"

Then hear her footsteps get farther away, I scan around my room surprisingly clean room trying to find my school bag thinking I know its here and soon find it in my office chair near my black wooden desk. I then change into a simple red hoodie plain grey track pants and black hightops, then jump in fright as my phone rings. I soon laugh at my nervousness then asnwer the phone knowing its my best friend Alex who knows nothing about my double life. When I asnwer I hear a sigh of relief as well as "good you answered and you better not be late again!" but the relieved tone changes as she scolds me.

I think why is she acting like this she is usually more carefree, though I manage a little laugh saying "if you talk to me any longer I will be late and you will be to blame"

She replies suddenly nervous "oh umm, well talk at school right?"

I nod though she cant see it saying "yes of course, I would never abandon a friend!"

Then soon hang up grabbing my red school bag as I pocket my phone and head out of my room downstairs and into the small kitchen.I grab an apple from a bowl thats on top of the granite counter top then glance at a clock on the creamy white walls it says 8:30. my eyes widen as I say shoot! And bolt out the door across the lawn just barely catching the bus. As I sit down I look at my messages and one is from my mom saying she'll be back in a few days and she left some money for groceries. I then get a message from Alex saying 'don't you dare be late!'

I roll my eyes and text 'her on the bus now'

She replies 'good'

When I reach school I wait till everyone is off the bus to avoid getting shoved and soon hear Alex's cheery voice "your here on time!"

I smile at the brunet running up seeing her in her expensive dark blue dress and black low heals. I simply say "yes for once"

She skids to a stop in front of me and wraps me in a tight hug almost whispering to herself over and over "it was just a dream"

I say getting worried but trying to reassure her "you saw me yesterday and I'm fine? Whats their to worry about?"

She lowly states "I had a horrible dream... and... you almost d-died in it.."

I frown well I almost did die in Angaria. Because of that black night I've never seen him before and I could've actually died I shiver slightly at the memory and fear I felt at the time. He was just sooo strong I could do nothing to stop him and I've never actually seen him before and nobody in the town near the castle knows about him either. But why did he attack me? Where did he come from? Is he under the Evil Kings Rule? I think back to other people I met their and one of the knights under the kings rule Josh he might know I'll ask him next time and hopefully he knows something. I then hear "Earth to Liz? Liz! Liz!"

I blink annd look at her "uhhhh yea whats wrong?"

Then realize I zoned out she states arms crossed seemingly not happy "I was trying to you about my dream but you zoned out!"

I shake my head to clear my swirling thoughts thinking my friend is more important right now and say "s-sorry can you tell me about it again?"

She nods and explains "in my dream you where almost killed by a man in armor in an almost otherworldly forest, I don't know why it spooked me so bad but it did!"

I quickly force a smile as I freak out internally and say "that must have been some dream but... dreams are not real you cant believe them"

Though I think h-how! Thats not possible unless... she cant be! She cant be one of my supposed teammates the voice was talking about I thought I was the only one from this world to be involved! Then I see her arms crossed she is most definitely not happy stating "you where in a dark forest getting chased by the man in black armor, while you where running you held your shoulder in pain. B-but when you supposedly ran into an open grotto I saw you in the moonlight a-and... it wasn't you but a boy, I had a feeling he was suppose to be you. I.. Don't know why..."

I nod and say quietly "can you describe the boy?"

She nods then says suddenly defensively "I thought you said dreams aren't real why do you want to know?"

I sigh "w-well it was about me right? Or who you thought should be me... right? Why not tell me? Its not like I'll tease you about it, right?"

She sighs and says "fine... the boy well he was wearing one of those midevial cloaks as well as a hood at the time but I saw blond hair like yours peaking out from under the hood though it looked short but I cant be sure, blue eyes almost exactly like yours and the cloak he was wearing was tan and long disfiguring his body,underneath was a red long sleeve tunic and black pants both had wholes in them and where covered in mud, he also wore knee high leather boots"

I roll my eyes and say trying to comfort her "your over reacting its just a dream"

Though it makes her more angry then anything as she groans at my response stating "this dream really scared me it felt like it was actually happening and not just in my imagination!"

Though the bell soon rings I say relieved at the timing "come on we need to get to class"

She says with an edge to her tone "yea we do"

As we walk into the school we are silent and think how did she dream of me in the other world... I shouldn't be thinking of this now as my school work is already slipping but I don't like the idea of her in this fight its not even technically my fight. But the voice did say I needed help in my 'quest' but if she comes to that world I wont be able to protect her against that knight. Plus I still have no idea why I'm summoned to stop the Evil King or why I turn into a guy when I enter that world... all these questions and no answers I shake my head to clear it hoping I was wrong about her being part of this dangerous game.

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