Chapter 3

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I look at her tears are streaming down her face this probably isn't the best time to tell her who I really am it'll just freak her out even more. I think i should get her some water or something because moving towards her now will just freak her out even more, I walk towards the entrance she asks "c-can you s-stay"

I nod thinking I'm being so stupid of course she wants me to be near i just saved her! she doesn't know its me but I need to stay to try and comfort her till she's calmed down enough that I can tell her who I actually am. I say "yes I can, you probably want to rest? I'll get you a room at a inn"

She nods and walks up to me saying "what's your name?"

I think my actual name is Elizabeth a girls name but i use the name Lyle here anyways, I say "Lyle. yours?"

She says looking up at me "Alex"

I say looking down at her "Alex lets get going the sun will go down soon"

She nods and grabs my arm saying with a smile "ok Lyle"

I take the lead and walk to a nearby inn thinking its a good thing i took up those quests to help people I got gold from that. We walk in and I tell her while bringing her to a nearby table "stay here I'll get us a room and some food"

She nods then says confused "share a room?"

I shake my head "sorry i mean two separate rooms I'm use to traveling alone"

At least she's calmed down now, she would've freaked in her state earlier, she nods and I point to a big desk with a lady "i'll be right over there yell if you need something"

I walk over and say "do you have two room preferably beside each other"

The woman at the counter shakes her head "we are almost booked one room is the best we can do"

I suck in air great then say "ok can I rent that room?"

She nods and I hand over the gold, then walk over to the bar and grab some food and drinks, I walk back to the table and put the food down. she looks at me then at the food, I quickly say "eat up"

Then sit down and we eat in silence I look around the huge wood room that has at least 20 tables though soon blink as I see a familiar face at another table i think is that Troy? one of Kyles buddies? I soon hear a voice say "Hey Lyle! you found a girl!"

I sigh yep Troy, I look at him as he walks up he has brown hair, blue eyes and is wearing a black tunic with brown pants and black boots. He says sitting down beside me with his food "long time no see"

I nod "yea"

Alex asks "who is this?"

He sticks out his hand "I'm Troy a friend of Lyle's"

She nods and shakes his hand though she suddenly looks nervous i say "sooo what are you doing at the Inn?"

He states "i just came back from a quest so in the morning i'm heading back to the castle"

She gasps "you live at the castle!"

He laughs scratching the back of his neck "yeah, i do thought its part of my job..."

She nods i ask after taking a drink of my tea by carefully moving the cloth in front of my mouth "have they found the prince yet?"

He shakes his head "no... its weird though he seemed to have vanished without a trace we cant even pick up on his magic signature"

I frown swishing my tea in the cup "that is bad... When was the last time you ever saw him?"

He says with frown "I'm sorry Lyle i cant tell you that"

I nod and state "its fine just thought i ask"

Troy smirks and lightly punches my shoulder "how did you pick up this girl? you finally show your face to someone?"

I sigh and set my drink down "i saved her from being kidnapped"

He gasps in surprise and says "oh... so your keeping an eye on her?"

I nod, she says "Lyle why did he say that? did you show your face"

I think back the voice told me not to to show my face but i cant tell them that they'd think i'm nuts, so i say "i keep my face hidden because the Evil King would find me"

Troy says as he remembers "oh yea, thats your goal to kill the Evil King, you must have tried already then"

I nod "yea i did"

that isn't actually a lie i did fight him once barely escaped alive, Alex asks "the Evil King?"

I nod "yea he wants to rule over this land as well as his own, Demon Island"

She looks down and continues to eat, we eat in silence till i ask to Troy "where's Kyle i need to ask him something"

The brunnet shrugs "your guess is as good as mine he was sent to find the prince like me and a couple other knights but he couldn't say where he was going"

i sigh muttering "greaaat now who is going to tell me about that knight"

Troy asks his face full of curiosity "what knight?"

I say "a black knight, he attacked me in the forest last night, i barely escaped him"

He nods and stays quiet for a while after we finish eating he finally says "we've kept this quiet but since its you i can tell you this much... he's supposedly part of the Evil Kings Army"

I nod that's not good why was he after me... did he figure out my identity? he couldn't have right? i say "its late we should probably sleep"

I face palm at the realization I could only rent one room, they both look at me I say "Alex I could only rent one room, they where fully booked"

She nods hesitantly, Troy laughs and wraps his arm around me "he wont try anything he's to chicken"

I roll my eyes saying "no i just respect a womans privacy"

Since i am one i do, he says "what about that one-"

i cover his mouth shushing him then hissing "that was completely by accident"

I stand up pushing the memory of what happened from my mind and say "i'll show you to the room Alex"

She nods and follows me, i groan crossing my arms at his antics why did he have the nerve to bring that up! i didnt even realize i was a man then! i dont know how i didnt but, she says smiling "you two seem to be great friends"

I shrug and say opening the door "heres your room"

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