Chapter 4

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Alex nods and walks into the room but says "where are you gonna sleep?"

I shrug "i could bunk with Troy if i really need to sleep"

She pulls me in with strength i didnt know she had saying "you rented the room and you need sleep everyone does"

i say in disbelief "your strong!"

She smirks punching the air "Remember that!"

I laugh thinking oh boy Alex you bounced back quick, she says pointing to the two beds that are on the opposit sides of the room "see theres two beds no problem"

I nod and sit down on the bed near the window she lies down and soon falls asleep, i soon lie down thinking why did she have be brought into this? with that question on my mind i fall sleep.

I wake up with the sunrise thinking that was my first night at an inn in a long while usually i go back to my world by finding a pop up portal. i adjust my cloak hood so it covers me and the cloth scarf that it covers my face and say looking at the other bed "she must be exausted"

I hear her snore and quietly laugh yep she is, i look out the window and watch the sunrise, till i hear a knock on the door. I quickly make my way across the room and open the wooden door seeing a woman i tilt my head and say "yes?"

She says with a look of guilt "i'm terribly sorry to disturb you but are you know the one called Lyle"

I nod "yes why?

She states "can you come downstairs some people want to talk to you"

I look back at Alex and think i'll just be a few minutes, i nod "i can"

i walk out and quietly close the door following the woman asking "do you know what this is about?"

She shakes her head "no i do not"

i nod and and follow her to a group of men in full armour one says say "your Lyle?"

I nod thinking oh boy i'm in trouble but what did i do? i was saving people not hurting them, I say calmly "i am what buisness do you have with me?"

The woman leaves, the only one that is sitting down his helmet is beside him so i can see his face he's in his 40's if i had to guess. and he looks oddly familair i might have met him before, he says "why dont you sit"

i comply as he says "this is about the black knight, you fought him"

Nodding i say "yes i did, i assume you want to know how he fights? well he is very powerful and quick, he relies on his armours defense to block his hits though i couldnt even dent it"

The man asks "where is your blade i dont see a weapon on you, witenss accounts say you fight with a blade"

i say arms crossed a little annoyed "that is not important"

He shakes his head "actually it is i wanted to examine the blade too see if your telling the truth"

Sighing i say "I summon my weapon its always in perfect condition every time I summon it"

They gasp one of the knights beside the leader of then group exlaims "Summon your weapon that is almost unheard of!"

They start whispering amongst themselves for a while saying prince a few times till the leader says "mind showing us your face?"

I say remembering the voice's words "i'd rather not"

He says "Either you comply or it is done by force"

i groan and nod removing the cloaks hood and the scarf saying "happy mr. guard"

The man blinks for a while and the all the guards behind him stay quiet till he says "Lyle... your coming with us for now"

i gasp "i can't! i need to-"

Suddenly Alex screams "Lyle! where are you!"

i bolt up the stairs, and barge in saying "Whats wrong!"

I look around the room but see nothing she tackles me in a hug saying "i-it was a nightmare but it was so real"

i say hugging her she never did well with nightmares "its alright Alex your safe"

She gasps seperating from the hug looking up at me "Lyle why did you remove your scarf?"

i go to answer but stop as i hear the leader of the guards say "Lyle it seems your not traveling alone?"

I state "she was almost kidnapped and didnt want me to leave her yet"

Alex asks me "Who are they?"

I shrug "your from the castle right? why do you want me to come with you?"

He sends the guards off and says "make sure nobody listens in"

They salute and i ask confused "whats this about?"

He hands me my scarf saying"i think you know the reason of the prince's dissaperence?"

i secure the scarf around my face as Alex raises her voice offended "What are you implying! he kidnapped the prince! he-"

The man says surprised raising his hands to stop her "n-no not like that! i'm saying its because he is the prince"

Alex gasps looking at me like is this true i say eyes wide stepping back and putting a hand on my chest "n-no! i-im not! i can assure you! i am not! it must be a coincidence!"

H-how could he say i am, it is true i never met the prince but he was missing before i came to the realm. i'm not from here but the voice said for me not to reveal my face is this why? becasue i look like him? He states "no its not, you have the same power as him, and you bear a striking resemblance if your so sure why not let the king decide? you've met him before right? well he was suspicous after you met so he had some spys follow you"

What spys had been following me, i knew when people where following, i gasp at the realization "Kyle and Troy! damn them!"

I pull my hood up saying "this is a mistake i-i'll prove it!"

He asks "how are you going to prove it? your appearence and the prince's dissapearence are only a few months apart? all the evidence is stacked against you Lyle or i should actually call you Prince Lyle"

I sit on the bed head in my hands even the name i chose is the same! how did everything get stacked against me! my eyes widen as i hear the voice and it says "stand in for the prince everything will work out in the end, he has the same goal you do."

I think you gave me that goal! can i at least return home! w-what about Alex! she has to get home!

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