Prologue: Cigarettes & Secrets

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Dedicated to value-yourself

"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars." ~Khalil Gibran.


National Security Base CEPEX

"She's beautiful," Cross noted twisting the cigarette in her mouth as she walked around the circular glass enclosure.

The creatures' pale skin was covered by long dark hair that fell to the floor in a black pool. Like ink over a white canvas. It appeared humanoid in structure. She moved closer to the glass, bending down to get a better angle at the chained specimen.

"What's the species' origins?" She turned to Mary, her lab-coat tour guide.

"We're still testing, she is different than any other we have come across so far." Mary shifted her glasses, nervously sorting through the chart. "But, um, we have discovered something rather remarkable. She appears to have the chemical make up of a living bomb."

Cross raised an eyebrow. This promotion came with quite a few secrets it would seem.


"Well the creatures biochemical makeup contains high amounts of hydrogen and phos...."

"I think it would be easier if I showed you, Commander!" An older man's voice announced from behind, causing Mary to jump. His military coat flashing rank as he strode up to the pair. A grisly man with perfectly trim grey hair and a mug weathered by years of combat and secrets.

"Who can really understand this science jibber jabber anyway." He laughed patting the little lab coat girl on the shoulder. She winced uncomfortably at his touch.

"Commander Cross," Cross extended her hand.

"Admiral Jack Nicholson," He lifted his hand from the girl giving Cross a firm shake. His piercing grey-blue eyes narrowing to size up his new boss, before returning to a smile. "My friends call me Strike."

"Interesting nickname, can't imagine how you got it."

He let out a belting laugh. "A woman with spirit! You'll need that here."

Prick. She blew a puff of smoke in his direction.

He lifted a near by cup on one of the worktables, motioning for her to use it as an ash tray. She took one last drag before snuffing it out.

"This way." He led the way, guiding her and Mary back down the same hall he had so grandly appeared from. "Don't want to miss the show," he smiled.

"Get up!" One of the guards yelled behind them.

She glanced over her shoulder. Catching a glimpse of the commotion, as agents entered the cage poking and zapping the creature to submission while it wailed and struggled against the chains.

Anderson guided them towards an elevator swiping his key card and hit Eight.

"We got the best seats in the house ladies!"

There was no ding on arrival, the door simply opened to display a massive glass-paneled room with rows of chairs that looked out over a long slab of tarmac outside the base. She suspected it was used for flight demonstrations. The room's shape reminded her of the VIP box seats at Fenway Park. The same park her ex had proposed. Being reminded of him left a bitter taste in her mouth.

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