•lucy weasley•

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Status: open


• Pick your own since I'm bad at titles haha
• Or use :
-live like there's no tomorrow
-viva la vida
-live, lucy


"Come on Lucy live a little"

"If your definition of living is jumping off a cliff then by all means, go for it Grayson."

"You know what they say, if someone jumps of a cliff, that means you do it too."

"No! That's not at all what they say you dimwit!"


Danielle Panabaker as Lucy Weasley

Danielle Panabaker as Lucy Weasley

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Grant Gustin as Grayson Hallewell

Grant Gustin as Grayson Hallewell

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Lucy weasley had a plan for everything. She had a plan for hogwarts, a plan for a job, and a plan for her life. She had everything planned out to the very last detail and did her best to make sure her life went according to plan. And it did. Until she met Grayson Hallewell.

Fresh out of hogwarts Lucy lands a job interning for the minister of magic. The position she wants: junior assistant to the minister himself. The only problem is she's not the only one competing for the job. Her competition? None other than Grayson Hallewell.

Lucy take an instense dislike to Grayson the second he opens his mouth. Grayson was the polar opposite of Lucy. He didn't have a plan. He lived life by the moment. He broke every rule possible, took every risk he could take. And to say the two didn't get along at first would be an understatement.

But the fight for the job only brings the two closer and as hatred turns to friendship, which turns to something more, Lucy realizes that Grayson Hallewell may be the best thing that's ever happened to her.

Guidelines/Extra Details:

-Grayson pushes her limits. He shows Lucy how to live her life.
-Grayson loves doing muggle activities. So they must go cliff diving or bungee jumping or something crazy at some point in the book.
-Molly Weasley must make some special appearances in this book (they have an amazing sister bond).
-Grayson must die at the end! I know it sucks, but not all stories have a happy ending. The effect he leaves on Lucy is permanent, as she knows how to live every moment to the fullest because of Grayson.
-Please keep their personalities as I have written. They are meant to be opposites. Lucy is meant to be uptight and Grayson is meant to be chill.

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