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sammy walked in my room

of course without knocking

and gave me a stern look

i sat up

and rolled my eyes


'what's wrong now?'

he said,

'don't talk to gilinsky

he's no good for you'

i replied,

'stop overreacting,

we had one conversation'

he shook his head

and looked at my beige carpet

stained with nail polish

and different types of makeup

he finally spoke up

and said,

'he doesn't do relationships,

just so you know

he wants to hook up

then never speak again'

it was hard for me to wrap my mind

around gilinsky

the boy i daydreamed about for months

being so heartless

and so cruel

i pushed the thought aside

and focused on my happy ones

realizing that the only solution

was to call jen

she would help me decide

whether to trust my gut

or my over-protective brother

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