Clemmy's Arrangement

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After dropping off Ash and Willow, my afternoon crawled by at a glacial pace. Mama gave me the stink eye when I walked in the house. No doubt, she'd known the moment I left the city limits, but she didn't say anything about it. I didn't know what I'd done to earn the free pass, but I wasn't about to confess my sins on the off chance what I took for knowledge of my disobedience was really just irritation over the dirt I tracked in on her clean floors.

The house was abuzz with females getting ready for the evening's festivities. Witches or not, there were certain beauty routines common to every woman, and I hadn't made it to my room good before Caly was asking to borrow my curling iron and eye liner. Harmony's door was shut, and I threw my fingers to my lips as I handed the requested items to my sister.

"I'd really rather she not know I'm home."

Caly tightened the sash of her pale, pink robe. "Oh, she knows, but right now, her moisturizing routine takes precedence over turning you into a toad."

"Did she say she was gonna do that?" Caly smirked and walked away. "Caly, you're supposed to be on my side. If she said that, you need to tell Mama. She'll believe you."

If I thought that would appeal to my eldest sister, I was wrong. She marched back to my room, a streak of red staining her pale cheeks. "I don't know that she wouldn't let Harmony do it."

"Where is this coming from?" I demanded. It was hard to keep the hurt out of my voice. Caly and I usually got along.

"Ash Goodwin? Really? After setting Clemmy after Harmony over that boy, you're gonna go after him yourself. He's bad news, Rosey. At least if you were a toad, you'd stay away from him."

"Weren't you agreeing with Harmony the other night that we shouldn't judge him based on rumors?"

"No boy is worth you fighting with your sister. You knew Harmony liked him, and you went after him."

"Oh, that's what this is about?" Bless Caly's heart. Knowing she was trying to protect Harmony made her anger towards me hurt less, but I was still irritated with the situation.

"I'm just saying, I thought you were better than that. Stealing another woman's boy is low, Rose."

"Oh good grief," I shouted, throwing my hands up for dramatic flair, "Harmony hasn't laid eyes on Ash Goodwin since he went away to school. He was shorter than all of us and resembled a turtle."

I circled my eyes and blinked owlishly through them, earning a snicker from my sister. That was all it took for the anger to fade, but the worry was still evident in her expression.

"I just don't like it. Besides..."

She bit her lip. Whatever she was about to say had tears brimming in her eyes, and I knew that couldn't be a good sign. I braced myself. Caly may not be intentionally mean like Harmony, but when she spoke her truth, she did so with little regard for feelings.

"He's not really suitable for you." Panic flashed in her eyes as my face crumpled. "I mean, you know I'm not some magic supremacist, but the Council will never allow it! I'm just trying to save you heartache."

"First you're worried about Harmony's heart and now mine? How touching. Get out." I pointed at my door, hoping she would obey immediately because I didn't want her to see me cry. And the tears were there. Hot and rising.


"Just go, please."

I counted to ten after she left. No point in letting her get me all riled up. She wasn't saying anything I hadn't heard before, in one way or another. Funny how I kept expecting the sting to lessen. Instead it grew sharper, hitting with better precision. Especially when thrown by the few I trusted most.

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