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I don’t own anything.

Please note that English is not my first language.

The story happens as Olivia is returning to New York after the undercover work in Oregon, early season 8.

Rating is just for safety. 

“Have a nice flight back to New York”, said Dean Porter. And when things go wrong at 38000 feet up in the air, what would come across Olivia Benson’s mind in the second before darkness? And how would the aftermath affect the Special Victims Unit?

“Why won’t those engines fall off?”

“Cause they are properly attached to the wings.”

“But what if the wings fall off?”

“That won’t happen either.”


“Because the wings are a part of this plane and the connections are real strong.”

“So would the plane just break into pieces like a glass?”

“No! That’s just not possible.”

“What if there’s a bomb?”


Olivia Benson could feel the headache worsening. And as she thinks about the events since last night, she sighed.

Agent Porter handed her another blue envelope, “have a nice flight back to New York.” He said. This time, she knew she needs to get back as soon as possible unless she wanted to cause a mistrial. She opened the envelope to find the flight Porter had booked for her was an early morning one, 6:00.AM. ‘Probably the first plane to take off from Portland Airport’, she thought.

Porter offered to give her a lift to the airport and he showed up at her hotel 4:00.AM sharp. Olivia was half asleep at that time. And she hadn’t exactly woken up when they arrived at the airport half an hour later.

Then something caused her to sober up fully, and it was not caffeine.

It was the lady behind the check-in counter. “Ms Benson, we have an unaccompanied child on this flight to New York. Is it possible if we arrange the seven-year-old in the seat next to you? No worries, our flight attendants will take him to the seat and take him to his family after the plane landed. All you need to do is pay very little attention during the flight as our flight attendants would also be there.” Those were her exact words.

And Olivia said, which she later regretted, “sure.”

An hour later as she had boarded the Boeing 737-800, a mid-aged cabin crew took the boy to the aisle seat beside Olivia’s window seat.

And since then, the boy, whose name was Thomas, had kept asking questions.

Olivia thought she had caught a break when the plane began to push back at 5:59.AM. she assumed Thomas would start focus on the flight itself instead of her, who is deprived of sleep and feeling both worried for the trial and anxious about going back to SVU, more specifically, going back to be the partner of Elliot Staler.

It had been somewhat haunting her, the fact that she was saying his name all night after being hit in the head and passing out, as Hope told her. She had asked herself why a million times in the past few days and got no conclusion. Or maybe she got no conclusion because she kept telling herself “no you cannot have feelings for your partner”.

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