Falling Down

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 The engine sound was decreasing. And as Olivia looked outside the window, she could see the turbofan engine running slower and slower. Meanwhile it was almost like the plane was making a right turn, with a bit of banking.

The flight attendants, who were still handing out meal at the end of the aisle, had to lean on the back of the seats to keep themselves from losing balance.

As a detective, Olivia sure had quick thinking. She tightened the seatbelt on her waist before glancing to the boy. Only to realize Thomas must have unfastened them sometime during her sleep. She reached down and get Thomas’ seatbelt done.

“Hey the seatbelt sign is off! I don’t have to be tied to the seat!”


Before Olivia even got a word out, the plane began its free fall.

All those who weren’t strapped down by their seat belts bounced up to the roof. And if you ask Olivia to describe that moment, she would tell you that people were like popcorn, they just popped up.

Food was flying around, not that anyone cared. So did trays and the heavy food cart. A woman screamed as the cart hit her.

The overhead lockers couldn’t take the pressure and they opened one by one. Suitcases, duffel bags, shopping bags fall out and hit everywhere, making loud sounds, like a thousand small bombs blowing up at the same time.

The flight attendants, who were had nothing to hold on to, were simply flying around.

It’s like the first downhill of a huge roller coaster, just rushing down and down.

Some were screaming at the top of their lungs, some were simply quiet. And Olivia could hear, which she later would find funny actually, was the group of Italian tourists a few rows behind, shouting “Mama Mia!”

Olivia had no idea how long had it been since their falling down, and how much height they still have before hitting the ground, hard. Her ears were hurting like hell because of the sudden air pressure change as if they were about to explode. Thomas was screaming with tears, but Olivia was not in the shape to comfort him. A, she’s terrified. B, a million things were going through her mind.

Her life, was it going be over so soon? There were so many things she hadn’t yet accomplished. She hadn’t tried skydiving. She hadn’t been to Paris. And she hadn’t had a family, which she wanted so badly.

There were so many people she would want to say goodbye to. Her best friend Casey, Cragen who was like father to her, Fin who was a big brother to her, Munch who had always made her smile, and Alex, her ‘dead” friend. And of course, Elliot.

No doubt he would be sad if she died. But would it be like losing a partner and friend or would it be more than that? She realized she would probably never find out.

Maybe after all those weird thoughts she had earlier, the plane was to crash and she was to die. And there wouldn’t be any kind of goodbye. Probably no remains of her would even be found as they are falling from 38000 feet high.

The huge G force was pushing everything upwards. People and stuff were still flying around. The plane was spinning and falling, fast.

She couldn’t get a pen out and write a note. Not that a piece of paper can possibly survive the crash anyway.

Goodbye, Elliot. She said that in her mind.

Meanwhile in the cockpit, the pilots sure had their hands full.

Mayday (Law&Order SVU Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें