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My name is Winnie, I am totally authorized to be writing a book on California (sureeee).

If you're looking for a quick facts book...you've come to the wrong place. Of course, there will be facts in this book, you'll probably just have more of my commentary laced throughout (sometimes I try to be funny, and most of the time, you won't get it, but it's okay).

This book was inspired by Mikkow3 's Canada book, so credit to her for the general idea!

Before I move on and forget: The map up there is titled "How a Southern Californian sees the rest of the country." I'll write a completely different chapter detailing my opinion on the accuracy of the map.

Quick! Comment what you think that the purple question mark box is! (you have fifteen seconds and don't cheat!)

(Answer will be revealed at the end of the chapter)

One thing that I do want to note is that I believe that everybody should try everything at least once. So even if I say that something is overrated and not worth your time, that is clearly my opinion and you shouldn't let it form your entire opinion. (For example, if I tell you that San Francisco sucks (which it doesn't), everybody smokes weed (debatable), the boba sucks (not entirely true), and just don't visit it, but you genuinely want to visit San Francisco, do keep it in your goals list to visit it!) Obviously, not everything that I say is right (this is a Wattpad book, not the Bible or Constitution or Qaran or Freud's works or Harry Potter or whatever else you may follow religiously) and I believe the saying is, "you should take it with a grain of salt." If you agree or disagree or have anything to say at all, don't be shy and tell me! I love hearing other people's opinions and hopes and dreams.

Some things you may (or may not) want to know about me (in case you didn't read my bio on my profile):

~I'm from California! Northern California, to be exact. And not the bay area. I live near one of the major cities in the Northern Central Valley, and if you're smart enough to figure that out, still, please don't stalk me, thanks. (I'm actually not that interesting, though, I swear.) I was born and raised in Northern California and most of my family lives in the south, near LA, although I do have relatives in San Francisco, so, yeah, that's cool as well. I might be leaving the state for university next year, as it's something that I've always wanted to do, so this is, in a way, my love letter to the Golden State. (My gosh, that sounded so cringy.)

~I'm Asian American and born to immigrant parents. I am of Chinese descent, but neither of my parents were born in China (or Hong Kong, for that matter), so you are welcome to take a guess. Also, my Asian-American-ness might be woven into this book as well as I discuss stereotypes and such.

~Before anybody gets mad at me for saying that I'm a "Californian native"  (in the book description) when I am not of any Native American descent, I just meant it to say that I was born and raised in California. If that is in any way offensive or disgraceful, just tell me and I'll be happy to make it less...offensive.

~I've had a complex love-hate relationship with this state for so long: first, I never wanted to leave, then for most of high school, I was desperate to leave, and now I've kinda just let myself love it again and see where I'll end up. Of course, I still want a colder climate (I've always found California's weather THE WORST, which probably sounds so weird to non-Californians), but I've discovered that not everything sucks here. People should be less elitist, but that's probably not a statewide problem, just my town.

~I like boba. A lot. So you're going to get a lot of "boba is good" in an evaluation of a place. Obviously, the quality of boba does not determine how good or bad a place is, I'm just used to including it sarcastically.

~I tested positive for being a liberal, so yeah, we got that. (It was quite literally a test that we took in government class...well, more a survey, but that sounded cooler.)

~My dog is part Chihuahua and we've had her since before Trump became president, so we always joke that she illegally crossed the border as a puppy.

~Not sure what else you would like to know, but in case you can't tell, I talk a lot. 

Comment below anything you would want to know about California! Also, please do me a favor and comment a few stereotypes for either California or America, so that I have more ideas to play with! Thank you for reading, and I'm always open to suggestions!

Also: the purple box is Wyoming

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