Diabolik Game: Gotta be you

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Chapter 1


Ao mansion

'Can't you take care of her? Aren't you her mother?' My father (at least I think he is), Ao Ryouki, screamed at my mother (Ao Misuzu, well, at least that's was her name, now she had reverted back to being Sakamaki Misuzu), who was nonchalantly putting on her make-up and trying her best to ignore him.

'Well, aren't you her father too?'

It had happened again. My parents are fighting again. And it is about the usual topic, fighting over who should take care of me, their only daughter, Ao Mio. I sighed as I stood quietly outside their room, hiding behind a door, eavesdropping over their conversation. My parents used to be a loving couple; they would always lead people who laid their eyes of them being together drowned in jealously. Now, there is never a day of them not fighting and quarrelling.

'She came out from your womb, so you have the biggest responsibility, don't you? And it's still a question whether she is, in fact, my child!'

'Are you saying, I cheated on you and had sex with some other guys and getting myself pregnant with her with that guy?!'

'The possibility is high! After all, none of her features resembles me!'

'Fine! Suit yourself! Think whatever you want! Do whatever you want! I couldn't care less anymore!' My mother threw a hissy fit, carried her luggage and stomp out of the room, knocking me onto the floor as she goes. She did not even stop to check if I was hurt. I stared at her, from her movements, it seem she was hurt. Probably my father had turned violent on her; again, as I could see blood dripping from my mother as she hurried off. I don't know since when, have my father became an abuser when he used to be a loving gentleman.

I peered inside my parents' messed up room and witness my father pacing around the room with an annoyed face. Not wanting to get myself into further trouble, I brushed the matter aside and left my father in the room by him, and headed towards the garden, where peace is endless.

At that moment, I never would have known that, that was the last time I ever saw my parents.

In the garden, I ran around the daisy bush, disturbing the peace of bees and butterflies well doing so, as they flew up into the sky as I ran pass them. Tired from running, I sat down in the middle of the daisy bush, and began twisting and joining the fallen daisies together, forming a daisy hair band which fits my head. A technique that my mother taught me during one of our family outings. Once my creation was done, I placed it gently on my head and lied down on the soft patch of grass with my beloved doll, my first and last gift I ever received from my parents. Ahhh, what a blissful moment I thought.

But that bliss never lasted for longer than 5 minutes.

'Clang' scatters of glass could be heard from afar. I stood up immediately and hurried to the source of the sound. As I ran, my heart was burden with unease; my brain could not even think straight as I dug my nails into my doll, grabbing it as tight as possible. A situation that was brand new to me, after all, never in my life had I experienced such uneasiness.

For odd reason, I was heading towards my parents' room, as if I had already knew that such situation would happen. I did not question my movements, and followed my body as I believed this as an act of my sixth-sense, after all, my sixth-sense is the only ability of me that I am proud of so far.

Once I reached my parents' room, I was dumbfounded. I stood rooted to the ground, dropping my doll and staining it with blood and my eyes widen as I stared at the sight of what I see. My father was hanging mid-air, with a delicate piece of white cloth, now stained with blood supporting him around the neck, and a sliver knife stabbed directly into his heart. My feet grew weak and I fell to the ground, not knowing what to do.

My father, he was dead. Cold. Lifeless. He was dead! And vampires were supposed to be immortal! Yet, my father is dead! Not knowing what to do, I ran towards the telephone line and phoned the most person reliable that I know. My uncle named Sakamaki Tougo, also known as Karlheinz or Reinhart. He is also brother of my mother, the head of the Sakamaki household and the vampire king.

'Hello?' My uncle spoke with a delicate voice.

'Hello, Tougo-san! M-My father. He is dead.' I cried into the phone.

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