Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Hours later, my uncle finally arrived with a group of adults, which I do not even know who they are. Are they humans or are they vampires? I could not tell them apart with my messed up brain. I just sat quietly, or rather emotionlessly on the sofa, hugging my doll, now stained with blood belonging to I don't know who. My mother's or my father's? I do not know.

While I just sat on the sofa dazing off, my uncle was busy instructing people on moving my furniture and cleaning up the mess around my house. Due to the noises, I stood up and dragged my feet to my garden.

The garden is the place where I spent most of my happy memories with my parents. I remember the times we would just idle around, having picnics, while sunbathing under the sun. Or the times where my father taught me how to use my bicycle, which I ended up falling many times, scarping my knees, resulting my mother to always give my father an earful. A soft smile spread across my lips, while a tear escape from my tear duct as I recall those memories. Memories which belonged to the times of the past. Memories that would never be retrieved ever again. Memories that are going to be forgotten as time pass.

'Tears do not suit a girl, especially when she is the owner of such a beautiful and elegant figure.' A young playful yet calming voice called out to me. I turned around and came to face a young boy, probably 2 to 3 years older than me. His delicate arm, with a handkerchief in his hand, was stuck out to me.

I took his handkerchief and wiped my tears, while whispering a soft 'Thank you' to him, in which he replied with a warm 'Welcome'. As I wiped my eyes, I peered from the handkerchief to have a better look of the strange boy. Looking closely, he was handsome, or rather beautiful for a boy. He had a reddish-brown shoulder-length hair, though with a lighter blondish colour to the tips of his hair. His eyes were of deep emerald green, and his skin was fair. Out of a spur of moment, I blunted out 'Excuse me, could you be an erm…..v-vampire?' After all, such beautiful figure could not possibly belong to a human.

'You are right, I am a vampire! Hee!' He flashed a cheeky smile. I looked away in embarrassment, as I felt a little jealously and envy welling up in me. I mean, for a vampire, he is too beautiful! And he is a boy!

'Woow! Mio-chan! You are even more beautiful than I thought! I have seen your photos from my father, but you are even more beautiful than you are in the pictures! I think I am falling in love!' He blabbered excitingly.

'Eh?' I blushed as I hide behind his handkerchief.

'Just kidding!' He spoke again.

Dumbfounded and feeling crushed by his punch line, I stared at him with anger and irritation as I pouted slightly at him. How could he! And I was slightly overjoyed with his comment earlier.

'I was kidding of me kidding,' he grinned cheekily, 'see you are even more beautiful with other expression other than that sadness. Though I would prefer it if you would smile for me.'

I blushed and commented, 'I-I can't smile.'

'What's with that? How could you not know how to smile?' He gave me an astonished look and continued, 'in that case, from now on, leave it to me to plaster a smile on you every day!' He patted his chest and look at me with his determined eyes.

I blushed again. I think I could use up a lifetime of blushing if I continue to hang out around this guy. 'Thank you. Leaving that aside, who are you? How did you get in here and how did you know my name?' I questioned, trying to change the topic.

'Oh right. My name is Sakamaki Raito, third son of Sakamaki Tougo. I came in here with my father, but you were too busy sulking on the sofa to notice me so I observed and followed you here. When my father received your call, he assembled all his children, showed us your picture and told us your situation. He then asked us if we wanted to follow him here, to accompany you while he settles the annoying stuff here. Once, I saw your picture, I fell in love with it with your beauty and was first to volunteer to come here. Of course, he accepted. Hee.' He grinned his cheeky smile again while giving me a v-sign.

'I-I am beautiful?'

'Of course you are! I mean take a look your wavy pale purplish-blue hair which flows down to your waist, and framing your delicate face. You're aqua-blue eyes which perfectly match your hair, and your pale skin which would be a waste if someone were to puncture a hold and suck your blood from it. The elegance aura you unconsciously produce as you stand in your slender body. You are not just beautiful! Your whole body screams are the word 'erotic'!

I blushed again and murmured 'Thank you', as a genuine smile spread across my lips after all no one had told me all those. I recalled the term he just used. 'Love', it had a good ring to it.

'Uwa! You smiled! Yay! Told you would look good in a smile!' He grinned again. Man, how could he be this lively and able to smile so easily. While, it took all I can to smile a genuine smile.

'Raito, Mio. We are done. It's time we leave.' Tougo-san walked towards us as he spoke.

'Leave?' I tilted my head to the side and questioned.

'Oh right, I forgot! You are going to live with us from now on! Hee!'


'Raito is right. You are living with us from now on. After all, Ryouki-san had passed away, and Misuzu had cut away all her means of contacts. So you ended up living with us. So I guess, that makes you Sakamaki Mio now?'

Sakamaki Mio. I smiled. While, at least I am not going to be alone and I get to live with Raito from now on.

'Ehhh? Doesn't that make her my sister? I object! If she became my sister now, I won't be able to marry her when I grow up!' Raito whines.

I blush at his comment while Tougo-san blinks as he was taken aback and continued, 'Well, if that the case, then Mio would remain as Ao Mio. Is that ok with you, Mio?'

I nodded, and I peered at Raito, wondering how he could announce that he would marry me if we grew up. Noticing my gaze, he smiled at me, which I blush and stare at my feet in embarrassment.

'In that case, shall we head back to the mansion now?'

'Sure!' Raito shouted, while I nodded and followed Tougo-san the way out of my house. Before boarding the car, Raito snatched my doll away and threw it in the direction of my house stating that I would not need it anymore and that he would get me a new one. I did not retort back, after all, I want to leave my memories behind in the house, and start afresh in the Sakamaki household.

With that, Raito and I boarded Tougo-san's car and headed towards the Sakamaki household.

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