Chapter 9

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Hey yo guys!  I am back with a new chapter! I am sorry for the lack of updates and slow posting of chapters >< I just started college, so everything is crashing in. Plus, I am a natural slow write. Or rather, I always write whenever I feel like it, so my updates is kind of irregular. Somtimes slow, sometimes fast. I am sorry! But I will try my best to post regularly! Like an update a month? I am sorry! But I hope you will still continue to support me! Thank  you!

As usual, please like, vote and follow this story if you love it. Oh and please share it around too! Thank you! So ya, please enjoy chapter 9 of Diabolik Game: Gotta be you! Teehee! Until next time! Ciao Ciao!

About a year later.

21st March 20XX, 12:03pm, Sunny.

/Camellia’s POV/

Knock Knock! ‘I am coming in.’ I opened the door of Raito’s room, and walked in his room towards his bed with his ‘breakfast’ in hand. ‘Raito-sama, it’s time to wake up.  Please wake up now.’ I placed his ‘breakfast’ on the table beside his bed and walked towards the curtains to open them, letting sun rays to shine in.

‘Ngh, it’s still early. I need more sleep.’ Raito spoke sluggishly, as he sat up on his bed while rubbing his eyes.

I sighed. ‘It’s not early at all. It’s already noon, the sun is had already rose up to the top. Please get out of bed now!’ I spoke sternly as I walked towards his bed to pull him out. ‘Come one! Get out of bed, now!’ I commanded as I wrap my hands around his wrist to pull him out by force.

It seems that my efforts failed as Raito pull me towards his bed, falling into his arms as he pinned me onto the bed. ‘Hey, Camellia, when will you be willing to sleep with me? You are possibly the only female that I know that had rejected me each time I ask you out for late night activities in bed.’ Raito look down on me and questioned seductively. Or at least it seems like he is trying his best effort to seduce me, but it failed.

I looked at Raito with my usual dead fish eyes filled with scorn towards him and replied, ‘when I go and have a transgender surgery.’ After I replied, I skillfully turned Raito upside down and get out of his bed, and poured tea into his teacup.

‘Ehhh?! So mean! You are a maid, so your job is to dutifully serve your master, which is me, to satisfy my daily needs! But whenever I command you to have late night activities with me, you reject me! Are you trying to defy me, your master?’ Raito whine.

‘Firstly, to correct things, you hired me to be a servant of Mio-sama. Thus technically my master is Mio-sama. She is my one and only master. And my master ordered me to assist you in your daily needs while she is gone. Therefore, you are not my rightful master, so I do not have to listen to your commands. If you are requesting me for having late night activities with you, I will humbly reject your request. Next thing, I have noticed. Why are you naked? I am aware of your stripping habit while you sleep. But it is not as far as going without your underwear too, isn’t it?’ I retorted back.

Raito looked away and showed me a face to signal me I have touched on a sensitive topic. Raito always gave me that look whenever I mentioned Lady Mio. Well, it was indeed, Lady Mio was a sensitive topic around the Sakamaki mansion. Not just Raito dislike hearing and bringing up Lady Mio. Even the other Sakamaki brothers tried their best to avoid bringing her up. As if they are neglecting and erasing the fact that she exist and was once an important member of the Sakamaki family.

Raito then cut the silent by answering my question in a cheeky manner while totally ignoring my first point. ‘Well, it’s because I had a lovely night last night. The night was young and she was beautiful. Ah, the way her face cramped up in pain and pleasure. The sweet blood that tickled down her neck, thigh and breast, tracing her delicate figure turned me on more than anything else-‘

‘Stop. Sorry to ruin your poetic recollection. But stop, I have no interest in knowing how you spent the night. Anyway, who was the pitiful girl last night?’ I spoke nonchalantly.

‘Ehhh? Why! I was about to tell you the juicy parts! And it seems like her name is Hilda. Anyway, what’s for breakfast today?’

‘That’s why you should stop. Today’s breakfast iscastella served with honey tea. And Hilda?! She is a new maid!’

‘Not to worry, I told her what she should do already. And why did you serve me castella and honey tea? I had already told you, never serve this ever again!’

‘Oh? You did. I am sorry. I did not remember. And I hoped she does know what she is doing.’

‘Remember it next time!’

‘If you do not need me anymore, I will take my leave.’ I bowed and left his room.

I lied about forgetting the fact that I did not remember that he told me to never serve castella and honey tea ever again. I remember it clearly. But today is a special day. It’s Lady Mio’s birthday. Her favorite sweet is castella served with honey tea. Raito had always ordered me to serve this dish whenever it’s Lady Mio’s birthday. Thus, I specifically selected this dish as Raito’s breakfast today. Hoping that he still remembers it’s his once beloved Mio’s birthday and continues to remember about her. Even if I know, Raito do not like it when Lady Mio is being brought up.

But it seems to be, he still yearns for Lady Mio. I mean, he had sealed Lady Mio’s room and ordered people to not enter her room at all times. However, he will definitely sneak into her room every now and then to clean up her room and stare at her portrait whenever no one is looking. It is obvious that he misses her greatly, but he refuses to admit it.

I sighed again. Why must Raito and Lady Mio be separated? They are two lovebirds that are match-made in heaven, and are destined to be together and love each other for eternity. Why does this have to happen? I know Lady Mio had her reason, even though he just vaguely told me. I understand her situation that she needs to leave Raito to protect him. But why Raito have to torture himself in this manner?

Ever since Lady Mio left, Raito was a wreck. He kept downing alcohol and totally neglected his health. He also started to sleep around with girls to satisfy his sexual desire. He even went as far as to constantly spending nights in Lady Cordelia’s room until Tougo-sama found out and locked Raito in the basement for a month without food and drink, before releasing him.

I once questioned him for his action, and his answer was simple. ‘Cause he wants to.’ Ya right, coming from a person who stayed away from girls whenever they tried to seduce him, during the times he was still with Lady Mio. Even though he kept saying girls are just tools to satisfy his sexual needs. It seems to me, he is just a lonely child who had lost his mother and thus is going around looking for someone to care for him, while clearly knowing that the one he is looking for is his mother. If not, he won’t be jumping from girl to girl without a steady end.

I sighed again. And on Lady Mio’s side. I wonder how she is doing. After we left, we did kept in contact with each other via her secret means of phoning me. Thus, I was able to consult her on how to deal with Raito since she is way experienced with Raito compare to me, and also ask how she is doing. She always replied that she is fine and assure me to not worry. But how can I not worry when her voice is shaky? And the more she says she is fine, the more she is not. That’s how Lady Mio is. Tries her best to maintain a strong front when he truth is she is breaking down inside just to make people not worry for her. But doesn’t she know that, this will make people even more worried?

Just like the month which Raito and Lady Mio broke up. It is obvious that Lady Mio is crashing inside. But whenever she bumped into Raito, she will greet him with a warm smile, though Raito will ignore her coldly. I sigh. Raito and Lady Mio is really one of a kind.

Recently, she stopped phoning me. Is her training tough? Is she eating well? What is she doing? I have so many things to ask her. When is she coming back? Will she ever come back? I hope she does. Even her, Raito is really in a mess. And only Lady Mio can make Raito stand up again.

I really wish Lady Mio will come back soon. Because once she comes back. I know. Everything will start to fall back together. And then, I can see Raito and Lady Mio’s genuine smile once again.

Will that day ever come?

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