Chapter 4

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Nyaaa! I apologise for the reupload of this chapter! I messed up the something earlier and deleted this chapter >< I am sorry!

Chapter 4

It was late afternoon before I finally woke up (again) from my deep slumber caused by my fiancé, Raito. Even though it was his fault I slept in, even when I woke up super early than usual today, Raito was nowhere to be found. And all that was left of Raito (that gave logical sense) in the enormous vacant room was a tray of blueberry scones and rose tea, and a small note attached to it.

Dear my lovely Mio,

How was your sleep? Amazing? Fabulous?
But whatever it is; it's definitely a good sleep isn't it?
After all, you fell asleep in my arms, so it's definitely a
gooooooddd morning nap to start off the day~! Hehehehe~!
Anyway, if you lose sight of me when I awake, don't panic!
I did not disappear; I just went to run an errand for Mother.
I had left your breakfast on the desk, be sure to eat it!
Don't skip meals! I won't like it if you do that!
I will be waiting for you at the usual spot at 5pm.
Don't sleep too much and be late!
There would be a punishment!
Do you read me clearly?

Your ever fabulous fiancé, Raito.

P.S: Did you notice the heart-shape in the letter? Hehee. I love you.
Double P.S: You just blush didn't you? Hehe~!
Triple P.S: You just got angry didn't you?
Last P.S: Hehehe~! I shall stop teasing you. Anyway, here is a letter hug
before I sign off~! *hugs*
Really last P.S: Don't miss me too much!
Its real this time, the last P.S: I love you! See you later! Bye bye~!

'Ngh! Put everything in you want to say in one paragraph!'' I whined as crushed the paper into a ball and threw it across the room. Ngh! Raito. I hate him! I wonder why did I fall for him in the first place. Making me sleep late last night, woke up early so that I can make breakfast but Raito made me sleep in. Now he give him such a cheeky letter hinting to me to forgive him. Who does he think he is?! Nggghhh!

I started to throw the pillows and bolsters around the room to vent my anger, but I stopped as soon as I started. Haish. Guess there is no point in thrashing the room. Even though I am superbly mad at Raito, I can never get mad at him for real.

It's like there is at least, at least a million reasons for me to get angry at Raito and hate him for life. But there would always be one reason for me to fall deeply in love with him to point that I would overlook the rest of his one million negative points. Guess this is what humans call it: love is blind.

Probably the phrase 'love is blind' is true, after all because of my love for Raito I am able to overlook and neglect my morals and beliefs. For Raito, I am willing to let go of whatever borderlines and limits I set for myself. Love is blind. Love has blinded me. I have let love to blind me. Yes. I have gone blind due to Raito. But not the real blind! I still can see!

Nyuu. . .anyway my situation is really unfair. I mean, because I am blinded by love, Raito is able to play me around his finger and lead me around. Like today, I missed out my daily routines due to Raito. Well, partly is also my fault, but still! Raito plays a big part! Don't you agree?

But, haish. I wonder if Raito has been blinded by his love for me and am willing to let go of whatever his morals and beliefs are, just like the way I did. . . .

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