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Welcome to the JeDi Awards.

Sorry to disappoint all the Star Wars fans, JeDi is a ship and we don't mean the Death Star, we mean our names =) We are Jen and Diana, Wazuup? ( xxRazmatazxx & Rasha007 )

Anyone that knows us can tell you...we don't sit still, not even for a hot minute. We need to keep things moving, we need to explore, to try new things, and engage. So, to kick things off with a bang, we are hosting the JeDi Awards.

So what's special about these Awards? Here's what's up; The JeDi book club is all about honing our writing skills, and about cheering each other on to hit those word count goals. In the JeDi Awards, we will not only appreciate the complete, thoroughly edited stories but also the raw, still ongoing stories, respectively.

This means everybody is welcome to enter their work and be judged accordingly--wherever you are in the writing process. If you have a polished to completion story under your belt, or just a 3 chapters story you just started before Christmas, you're welcome to submit.

There is also a little something for the graphic designers and for those striving for more than writing goals...yes, we are talking about #SquadGoals...

Read on for all the juicy details on how to join in on the action.


Jen & Diana (aka JeDi)

Jen & Diana (aka JeDi)

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JeDi Awards 2019Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя