Stay (part 1)

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I'm not sure where the idea for this one actually came from. I was going to use this as a flashback chapter for one of my longer (unpublished) Ishimondo fics but yeah. Hope ya like it!

Oh and I'm not sure if we can call this Ishimondo because this is when they're still just classmates (or friends?) BUT if I'd ever continue this they'd end up falling for each other sooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


"This is not something to cry about."

"Are you fucking stupid? Do you really think I would cry over fucking detention? Just fuck off, leave me alone!"

The shouting could be heard all the way from the closed classroom to the hallways. If anyone happened to be passing by, they most certainly knew who the two people shouting were.

"Just stay the fuck away from me, hall monitor!" The biker gritted his teeth, there were cries mixed with his shouting. Mondo had been quiet and distant the whole day. He was made of glass. And the glass was fragile.

"Something must be wrong. I just want to help!" Taka tried not to sound mad because he wasn't. He was worried. The biker had never been this sensitive or upset. Taka tried not to ask why Mondo still used the name hall monitor after having called him Taka or Ishimaru for such a long time. Even if calling him hall monitor was something that Mondo did out of anger, it saddened Taka a little.

"You're my lil brother, of course I wanna help ya. Don't even try to lie to me. I know somethin's wrong."

"Get out of my sight. Just...go away," Mondo hissed with a trembling lip. "If you don't..." He sneered darkly at Taka. "I won't be responsible of what I'll do." Taka flinched. He gasped, maybe feeling surprised at Mondo's words or maybe feeling afraid of them. Or Mondo.

Mondo always seems like a tough biker guy who takes shit from no one but he just doesn't let people see what's on the inside. It may be because he is afraid to face reality, to face the feelings inside of him. And what annoys him is that Taka makes him feel like he has to drop his act. Drop that shield he uses to protect himself.


"I'm forever blowing bubbles

pretty bubbles in the air.

They fly so high, they reach the sky

And like my dreams they fade and die

Fortunes always hiding

I've looked everywhere

I'm forever blowing bubbles

Pretty bubbles in the air."

Mondo blew out the smokes from his cigarette. He knew he'd be in huge trouble in case Taka would find him. He rarely smoked but whenever he was stressed as hell he would smoke a cig or two. Or three. But perhaps the hall monitor would be far more angrier about the beer.

Taka was running (yeah not really) around the school, looking for the biker. Mondo hadn't been in the classroom where he had wanted to stay alone which kind of meant he had skipped part of his detention. But that wasn't Taka's main worry. His main worry was whether Mondo was alright or not. The biker had been acting strangely the whole day.

The prefect figured it would be wise to check the yard of the school and he was right. Mondo was sitting under the trees in the backyard and even from far away Taka could see the beer bottles laying on the ground.

"Owada! This is strongly against the rules!" More than anything Taka was astounded. Who would drink at school? Or drink at all when they were underage?

"Oi, it's you, hall monitor..." Mondo muttered happily, his head swaying from side to side. But the little grin was away as soon as it had appeared. He threw up and barely avoided staining himself.


Taka was trying his best to support Mondo's heavy body. The biker was leaning against him, almost entirely trusting his weight on Taka. It didn't seem like a proper moment to start lecturing Mondo about drinking even if for a moment it crossed Taka's mind.

"I'm forever blowing bubbles...pretty bubbles in the air..." Mondo kept singing and muttering (muttersinging? lol) the song, making Taka wonder what on earth he was singing about. He tried to drag Mondo beside him with all his strength and he hoped no one would see them. Not because he was embarrassed about helping his drunk friend but he was afraid... that someone would tell about Mondo to the teachers too. It would've been the right thing to do but Taka couldn't allow himself or anyone else to do it. Why? It was basically his job. He was the Moral Compass.

After finally reaching Mondo's room Taka placed him on the bed. Mondo was still singing as he turned to his side, back facing Taka. The hall monitor sighed. It wasn't the right time to say anything about... anything. Mondo turned again and he was now facing Taka. His gaze was on the floor though.

"I'm forever blowing bubbles..." Mondo was now muttering and even that muttering faded, his mouth stopped moving. Mondo watched as Taka turned around in order to leave and he quickly made a sound.


Taka turned around and stared at his classmate who now forced himself to sit. Mondo was patting the spot next to him. Taka gulped as he approached him and sat down on the bed.


Taka sat awkwardly, waiting for something to happen. He began to wonder if he should've said something or done something. But then Mondo broke the silence. "Sorry 'bout earlier," he mumbled.

"I understand," Taka answered, receiving a snort from Mondo who didn't even have to say anything. Taka knew what the snort meant. It meant Taka really didn't understand. That he "didn't know shit."

"Today is... kind of an anniversary." Mondo sounded tight. "Three years...from the day of my brother's death." He explained calmly but right after finishing the sentence his lips were trembling.

"I see...I also apologize for earlier, I did not know..." Taka mumbled with a sorrowful tone in his voice. "Y'know... Ya kinda remind me of 'im sometimes."

Their eyes met. "You've got that same look in yer eyes. That same flame of life. I dunno what to call it." Mondo stared at Taka, his ruby eyes which Mondo paid attention to for the first time. Taka tried to say something but he was confused. He reminded Mondo of his brother?

"Owada..." Taka began before realizing he had no idea what to say. They sat in silence unaware of how to continue. Taka flinched when the biker's head suddenly leaned against his shoulder. Taka could hear the deep breaths. Mondo was asleep. And Taka was glad about that because he suddenly felt his face warm up.


I'm gonna publish this in two separate parts. I don't know, it just feels right.


I just love to write about Daiya don't I? Even if he isn't freaking alive I will always mention something about him because I love him so fucking much. And because he means so much to Mondo anyways it makes sense?

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