Act I - Scene 1

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Main Characters
Romeo Montague - 16 years old
Tybalt Capulet - 19 years old
Important Supporting Characters
Juliet Capulet - 13 almost 14 years old
Mercutio - 17 years old
Benvolio Montague - 17 years old

In which Romeo is a drama queen, and Benvoilo is just done with life...

"Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?" Abram questioned.

"Is it cool if I say yes?" Sampson asked.
Abram give him a dead stare. "No." He stated, with a voice crack.

"Then NO! I don't bite my thumb at you, I just did it in general." Sampson defended. "Because... life, ya know." He mumbled.

"Are you trying to start a fight with us?" Gregory, the other Capulet servant interjected.

"Start a fight? What, no!" Abram exclaimed. "You're the ones started it!"

"Hey, it's alright," Sampson reassured, "if you wanna fight, then I'll fight you. I mean, my master is as good as yours, making me as good as you."

"Your master's not better though." Abram stated.

"weLL THEN." Sampson glared.

"Sampson, there's Benvolio. Tell him that his master is better, but you don't mean it." Gregory whispered to his coworker.

The servant listened, and did what he was advised. It didn't work though, Abram called him a liar and they ended up sword fighting.

"You buffoons!" Benvolio shouted. "Quit fighting! You have no idea what you're doing!" Pulling his sword, he tried to assert dominance as a high-class dude.

"EXCUSE ME," Yelled Tybalt, the reckless and lowkey-stupid nephew of Lord Capulet, "why did you take out your sword for these servants?! Fight someone your own level!"

Benvolio threw his hands at Tybalt. "Sorry! I'm just trying to keep the peace, because it's the right thing to do, you wench!" He cursed. "You can either help me or stay out of the way."

Tybalt stood there for a good five seconds, silent in thought. "How about... no. I'll take option three!"

"O-option three?!" Benvoilo sputtered. "What 'option three'?"

"This option three!" Tybalt leapt from his standing and initiated a fight between him and Benvolio. "I hate the word peace, I hate you, and I especially hate anyone with the name Montague!"

"FRICKEN HELL, TYBALT." The Montague screamed out of frustration, whilst parrying Tybalt's slashes. "THE HECKST MAN?"

As they all fight each other, the nearby citizens in Verona gathered 'round to witness the brawling.






Tybalt shot insults at Benvolio, in hopes of catching him off-guard and later win. "You fight like a mistress!" He remarked.

"HEy!" Benvolio shouted with offense. "All women art QUEENS!"

"If 't be true the lady breathes, the lady is A THOT!" Tybalt countered.

Then Lord and Lady Capulet, And Lord and Lady Montague come into the scene, disturbed by the loud noises.

"What's going on here? I need my long sword right now!" Lord Capulet ordered.

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