Act I - Scene 3

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Eek, I'm sorry for not updating! Enter the Juliet-centric scene

Minor Characters
The Aston Triplets - 15

In which Juliet is a lowkey mess...


Juliet was pacing around her room, taking a peek out the window every now and then. Her palms were warm and clammy from all the sweat, and her face was still flushed.

A girl smiled at her.

Well not just any girl. To Juliet, she was everything.
And pretty, she can't forget pretty.

Juliet was out in the market and having a stroll. She wanted to browse the stands, when she came upon one selling fruit. Juliet loved fruit.

"Good morrow," a gentle voice had greeted, "do you want something?" The voice at the stand had cornflower blue eyes, and raven hair. She had a quaint face.

"D-do I want what?" Juliet's voice had cracked. "Oh! I mean, I want, um, uh... I-I don't know what I want."

The girl laughed, and it was a cute little chuckle. "Are you alright?" She asked out-of-the-blue.

"Am I alright? Why?" Juliet wondered, before she realized that her cheeks were hot.
She must've been blushing.
Oh no.

"You look like to hast a fever. You're face is as red as my brother's when he's sick." The girl stated, putting her hand on Juliet's forehead.

Juliet then felt the heat spiking. She needed to get away before she spat out a ten minute ramble. "Actually, haha, I might be sick after all." She lied. "I must go."

"God be with thee." She replied. And the reply included a smile.

"Ah, yes, God be with thee." Juliet mimicked then walked away. "God be with me, I need it." She had whispered under her breath.

That was how Juliet came to be where she currently is. A mess.
Whilst panicking, the young daughter of the Capulets heard her nurse call.

"What, lamb! Come here, Ladybird! ... . C'MERE, Juliet!"

"Coming!" She answered, rushing and running her legs down the halls to the callings.

Juliet finally reached the grand staircase at the main room in her home.
"What! Who needs me?"

"Your mother." Nurse replied, gesturing to the woman beside her.

Juliet bit back a groan. What could she possibly want?
"I'm here," she mentioned, as if her presence wasn't noticed, "what do you want?" Juliet asked before adding a quick "madam".

"I will tell you what the matter is but first—Nurse leave us for privacy... actually no, Nurse stay, you can listen." The Lady Capulet rambled, making it clear that the point was slow to come.
"Nurse, you know how old Juliet is, correct."

"Why, yes," Nurse agreed, "I know her age to the hour!"

Juliet zoned out for most of the conversation between her mother and her nurse.
It was mostly about her turning fourteen in a couple weeks, on the eve of Lammastide. The rest of it was Nurse rambling about her deceased daughter Susan, and the times Juliet spent with the nurse and her husband.

Juliet's mother quickly rolled her eyes. "Enough, Nurse, be done." The Lady slightly pleaded, being quite bored of the older woman's droning.

"Yes, Madam," Nurse listened, but continued to laugh about Juliet as a baby.

Embarrassed, Juliet urged to Nurse to stop her story.
She then obeyed the order, and added that she would hope to see Juliet get married.

Lady Capulet clapped her hands out of excitement. "Marriage is what I need to talk about! Juliet, what do you think of getting married?"

"It's an honor," Juliet said, "that I don't want."

Her mother scrunched up her face as if in disappointment. "Well you should start thinking about it now, Juliet. There are girls younger than you, who are already mothers! In fact when I was your age I was pregnant with you!"

Ew, Juliet thought, that's kinda disgusting, why would you be proud of that?

Mother went about, saying that Paris wanted Juliet as his bride, and Nurse started to lowkey thirst about him.
With her mother in agreement over how hot he is.

Juliet wasn't fond of being wedded to a man, she wasn't fond of being thirteen and having the wife card in her deck either.
She preferred to be free. To be her own person while she still can.

"Well?" Juliet heard the Lady ask, snaking her back to reality. "Can you love him?"

'No.' She wanted to say. 'I can't and won't.' But what else could Juliet use as an excuse?
She had little time to come up with anything, as her mother explained about Paris' presence at the feast tonight, and Nurse chimes in every couple sentences.

Lady Capulet placed a hand on Juliet's shoulder. "Daughter," the woman said the word in a strained tone, "tell us now. Can you accept Paris' love?"

The young girl blanked for a split-second. Oh shit.
"I will try to like him." She replied. "No promises though." Was said under her breath.

Juliet was then saved by the servant Peter's entering.
"Madam, the guests are arriving. People are asking for all three of you, separately. Everything's out of control, it's pure wack. And I must go serve the guests, follow me."

It was a lot to take in, since Peter had basically blurted out the whole declaration in one breath.

"We will follow you." Lady Capulet responded, ushering Juliet to join her. "Juliet, the court awaits."

The last thing Juliet heard, was Nurse telling her to go look for man who will bring her happy nights for the end of happy days.
Or something like that.

But what if the person who would do that for her, wasn't a man?

I hope the girl from the fruit stand comes to the feast.

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