Act 1 - Scene 4

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IM ALIVE!! And I'm so sorry that I haven't updated, it's a really bad habit of mine 😓😓 but now I have more free time so maybe I'll actually complete this :)

In which Benvoilo and Mercutio try to make Romeo feel better and fail...

The two Montagues and their royal-blooded friend were wearing their masks for the feast, trailing behind with five to six other masqueraders.

"So, how are we getting in?" Romeo asked the duo beside him.

Benvolio looked over, and made a face that was perfect for judging his younger cousin. "Dearest cousin, do you see those doors right there?" He slung his arm over Romeo's neck, and pointed in the direction of the large double doors.

Romeo struggled to see what he was talking about, angling his head to look where Benvolio was pointing. Damn the crowd of five/six for being tall.
But after finding it, finally, he simply nodded in reply.

"Okay, now this may be hard for you to comprehend," Benvolio commented, "but we're going in past those doors to enter the feast."

Romeo kept nodding but then backtracked for a bit. "You're being sarcastic, aren't you?" He asked, turning his head to face the other blond.

Benvoilo rolled his eyes, "duh! It's not like we have to announce that we're here." He reasoned, taking his arm off of Romeo so the latter can stand up straight (since that's one of the few things he can do). "We attend the feast, have a good time, and then we get out of here."

"Oh," was all Romeo could say as a response. "You two can have a good time, I'll just stay in the back."

"Uh, no," Mercutio spoke up, showing that he is capable of conversing with his friends. "No no, Romeo, you're partying with us."

The youngest of the three shook his head. "Nope. Both of you are in a good mood, but I'm not. My heart won't allow it."
Romeo should have felt excited, it's a feast! A party! Parties should make you lively! (And drunk but don't tell his mother). Alas, he didn't have the energy to be ecstatic, he felt more somber at this time.

Mercutio raised an eyebrow. "Your heart won't allow it?" He repeated with an exasperated tone. "For fricks sake, you sound miserable! What's the matter young Romeo?"



"Aye," Romeo confirmed, "it's the root of all my troubles. I've come to think that it's too rough, rude, and rowdy. And it hurts like a wench."

Mercutio glanced over at Benvolio. "Was he always like this?" He asked, slightly motioned to Romeo.

"I have no idea." Benvolio shrugged. He tapped the top of his wrist and made circular movements with his pointer finger. "He's been acting like this all day."

The two of them continued to silently communicate, trying to figure out a way to cheer up Romeo. However, they didn't notice that Romeo had been staring at them for the past five minutes.

"Are you two well?" He finally broke the silence between all three of them, confusion all over his face. "Do both of you need help?"


"—we're fine!" Mercutio interrupted Benvolio, to get on with "Operation Cheer Up Romeo". "We don't need help, you do." He took a breath and tried to persuade the youngest Montague get over his stick-in-the-mud attitude.

Naturally, it didn't work.

"It's not very smart of us to go to the feast." Romeo reasoned.

Mercutio and Benvolio shared a confused look. "Why?"

"Last night, I had the strangest dream."

"Ah! I did too!" Mercutio added as the perfect comeback popped into his head.

However, poor Romeo seemed to be genuinely interested in his dream. "You did? What was it about?"

Mercutio cleared his throat and dialed down his snark before saying, "you being full of crap."

"I aM NOT!" Romeo squeaked with offense, his voice cracking.

"Oh you're not? Then I assume that you've been with Mab."

Romeo furrowed his eyebrows at the name. "Whomst the frick is Mab?"

Mercutio smirked and leaned closer to Romeo so he could tell him quietly. He caught Benvolio shaking his head and giving him a disapproving glare, but he continued on with it anyway.

After hearing Mercutio tell him that Mab was a quean, Romeo's ears reddened. "How could I be with her?! I'm gay for crying out loud!!"
Well that was very scream-y of him. (Geez Romeo, are you in the closet or not?)

Mercutio had bursted into laughter at Romeo's sudden blushing. And he was laughing his guts out until he heard the last part. "Wait you're what?"

Benvolio just facepalmed in the background.

Romeo sighed with frustration, and began to repeat himself. "I'm- wait," he held his tongue and thought back to when his conversation with his cousin. "You are too!" He exclaimed, glad that his memory was actually functioning.
Upon seeing Mercutio give and incredulous look and point at himself as if he was saying, "wait, me?", Romeo went, "Yeah! Benvolio told me!"

Now the spotlight was on the older Montague. Uh oh, Benvolio.

"You told him?" Mercutio questioned, his tone was more surprised than upset. He was about to say more, but he stopped himself and whispered into Benvolio's ear, holding his hand up like a teenage girl.

Benvolio whispered back, of course.

Again with the hushed conversations. Romeo thought. He was really starting to feel like a third wheel, even more so than usual. "Hellooo? Cousin? Mercutio?"

The two paused their whispering and looked at each other, again. "What?" They asked in unison.

Romeo mentally groaned, he'll have to talk about this later. "Can we just... go to the feast?" He pleaded with a sigh.

Mercutio's eyes seemed to light up, breaking away from Benvolio to wrap his arm around Romeo's neck. "That is the best idea you've hadst all day!" He rejoiced, ushering all of them to move forward.

"It's night." Romeo deadpanned.

"All night!"

Benvolio walked behind them and rolled his eyes. "God, help us."

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