Act I - Scene 2

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In which Capulet is asked for parental permission, and Romeo admits his reckoning then makes his cousin laugh...

"... but just like I, Montague has also made an oath, with the same penalty. It shouldn't be difficult for two old men to keep the peace." Lord Capulet explained to County Paris.

"Both of you have... honorable reputations." Paris added, trying to sweeten the conversation. "A shame that you're both enemies. Anywho! What do you say? May I marry Juliet?"

Lord Capulet turned away from the county. "I say it again once more, and will continue to repeat it. No. She's still young, and isn't even fourteen! Wait for two more years. When she's fifteen or sixteen, we can then discuss marriage. Surely, you will keep it in your pants for that long." Lord Capulet advised.

"I see what you mean," Paris acknowledged, "but there are girls younger than her, who are becoming happy brides."

"Yet those girls who marry young, grow up too quick. My Juliet is the only child left. But if you want to win her heart, sure, go do it, I'll approve of the one she chooses to marry." He informed. "I am having a feast as tradition, and I've invited lots of people. I'd like to add you to the list, welcome you into my home." Lord Capulet offered, being somewhat a nice guy. "There will be many lovely ladies, and compared to Juliet, you might rethink your choice." He added, with a smile that hid an overprotective aura.

Paris nervously chuckled, uttering a quiet "Of course." And at the request of Lord Capulet, he walked with him, and saw him give a servant a list.

"Find the names on the list, young one. Tell them that they're invited to the Capulet feast."

"Of course, sir!" They answered enthusiastically, so Lord Capulet And Paris left them.

The servant gave the list a hard looking at. "Find the people on this list? Are the names on the list? Ah yes, but who is... what kinda name is that? Oh, right, I can't read. Well the horror." They complained. Looking around town, they spotted Romeo and Benvolio, and seeing their fancy attire they tried to head in their direction, only to get lost from the crowd. "Oh frick."

Speaking of the Montague Cousins, Romeo is still being a wench. At least that's what Benvolio thinks.

"Ah cheer up Romeo!" Benvolio patted the boy on the shoulder. "To get rid of your lovesickness, you should find a different and better person to pine."

Romeo shook his head. "That, is impossible. She is the only one that I have actually found feelings for."

"Then who is she?" Benvolio interrogated. "If no-one else is prettier that her, who is this mystery woman?!"

Romeo muttered a word, but it was so quiet, not even a snitch could hear it.

"Come on, out with it, tell me the contents of the cup."

"Rosaline." Romeo said. "It's Rosaline!"



"Rosaline? You're in love with Rosaline?" Benvolio asked for confirmation. He was given a curt nod as an answer. He stared at Romeo in disbelief. "Of all people! Cuz, she's not even that pretty. I've seen trees that are more attractive than her."

"She is pretty!" Romeo defended. "And I thought you believed that 'all women art queens'?"

"I respect them, but I have taste!"

"So do I! How else can I eat?" Romeo pointed out. "There's plenty of things that make her beautiful to me, Benvolio."

Benvoilo put his hands on his hips. "Really?" He dragged. "Tell me one thing that makes you think that Rosaline is beautiful."

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