Chapter 1

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There was a reason why young Izuku Midoria looked like he was about to start chowing down on people, those dead sunken eyes and the continual dragging of his right foot as he walked combined with the blood trickling from his nose made him look like the start of a zombie apocalypse movie.

Katsuki had obviously been in a bad mood today, who else would be responsible for such a harsh beating. Upon arriving at his apartment he walked in and proclaimed.

"Mum are you home?"

There was no response she must be out getting groceries, he was safe to tend to his wounds and play it off as falling down the stairs. He removed his shoes and placed his bag down, walking to the kitchen to grab the first aid kit and head to the bathroom. He removed his school jacket and shirt before looking in the small rectangular mirror.

"He really went hard today," Izuku muttered

"Izuku," Inko knocked on the bathroom door. "Are you ok?"

"Mm yes, I'm fine mum."

He'd have to keep himself from grunting at the pain, oh well he'd done it before. Of course all of those times Katsuki hadn't been as pissed with his childhood friend.


After half an hour in the bathroom, Izuku emerged to see Inko greeting Nicora. The two turned to him, with smiles that quickly faded when the saw the gauze on his nose.

"I fell down the stairs."

"Must have been one angry staircase." Nicora returned

Nicora gave him a look he knew all too well they were basically telling him 'I see through your bullshit Izu.' he hated that look. Nicora was a year older than Izuku but their parents had decided to keep them out of school for an extra year, why they did so no one knew, but the two became good friends and stayed as such.

"Well, Nicora why don't you to go hang out in Izuku's very private room and I'll bring you some snacks and juice."

"Okay, Izuku let's go."

Nicora grabbed his hand and dragged him down the hall to his very private room, closing the door behind them.

"Now That we're alone let's have some fun Izu." Nicora took a step closer to Izuku.

"Uh what exactly do you want to do Cora?" Izuku stepped closer.

                A Few Minuets Later

"Here are your snacks."  Inko anounced as she walked into Izuku's very private room.

Nicora lay with their head on Izukus lap a wii controller in hand.

"How are you winning you can bearly see the screen." Izuku huffed

"Because I have skill my dear friend, skill you do not posses." Nicora laughed before winning the race.

Izuku wacked their head lightly.

"Meanie it's just Mario Kart you ass." They stuck their tongues out at each other.

"What is happening here?"

"We're wii-ing."

"Don't say that it sounds gross, we're playing Mario Kart."

"Correction I'm whooping your ass at Mario Kart."

"Okay well here are your snacks."

"Thank you Inko."

"Thank you mum."

By the time the two teens finished their Mario Kart war, it was around ten-thirty pm and Nicora was dozing off, as such Inko decided that they were going to stay the night and alerted Tomiko as to Nicora's whereabouts.

The Following Afternoon

"If you wanna be a hero so bad, there's actually a really good way." Katsuki taunted. "If you believe they're holding your quirk over in the next world... you should just dive off the rooftop."

This was the moment Izuku Midoria snapped after Katsuki had left the four-teen-year-old boy made his way to the roof.

"I wonder how Katsuki would react if I actually jumped, here he comes guess I could scare him." Izuku climbed over the railing.

A gust of wind blew just as he released his grip, he stepped forward just as the wind pushed him off the edge. His body fell to the cement below, Katsuki looked back in horror. One of the others called an ambulance, and several minutes later Izuku was carted off to hospital with two broken legs and a broken arm.

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