Chapter 5

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"It seems you've learned to control your temper when it comes to being called the wicked witch." Patient Zero observed.

"Could be that or could be the fact that unlike most everyone from our class I think you can still be saved." Crimson Witch informed.

Izukus face changed from smug to shocked and then anger in a shorter time span than it would take someone to work out what six plus six equals.

" Saved? So you want to save me well I hate to break it to you Nico but there's more than one reason I joined the league, sure Kacchan pushed me over the edge that day, but I also found something interesting when I came to a specific bar that was doubling as their headquarters. All for One, I'm sure you've heard of him I know his oh so secret identity and it seems I was never meant to follow the hero's path I was meant to join my father."

Nico didn't know how to feel about this revelation, their expression flicked from a sorrowful hope to shock then, pure anger. 

"You can't seriously believe that Izu! He's the worlds most wanted criminal, he would tell you anything to gain an ally! What proof does he have?"

"He has photos from when I was little."


"Stories about my mum and me."

"Did you ever confirm if they were true with your mum?"

"No.... but either way I'm not coming back. I have a purpose here."

"You have a purpose in the hero community too Izu, no one is a better informant or strategist. If Bakugo and I had you with us planning this mission we would have been in ang out without a hitch."

"I guess youre right you guys suck at planning."

Izuku let out a defeated sigh and allowed himself to be lead out of the school, into a small squad of cop cars.

"Liar you said you didn't bring cops."

"We didn't."

"I AM HERE! To assist in the arrest." All Might announced.


                                                                        TO BE CONTINUED

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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