The Beginning

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Prologue: This is my firzt time writing an actual story, so, pleaze be nice-- Alzo pleaze point out any grammar issuez, mistakez, if I could've made a pun, ect. One more thing, if you(for zome reason)make fan art, pleaze tell me! I would love to see it!! Here we go..

Paintbrush's POV

Today started as a pretty normal day, I woke up in Hotel OJ since inanimate insanity II finally ended. We got to change roommates due to complaints that OJ kept on receiving about people being upset with their roommate(s), and I chose, or more like she chose me. Lightbulb. Of course.. It had to be her. It's not like I hate her or anything, it's just.. She can be annoying sometimes, and by sometimes, I mean most of the time..

She's almost always throwing Slumber Parties or Game Nights or some other stupid thing.

But she's my friend.. and when I'm sad or down she always knows how to put a smile on my face.... But whatever, onto the story.

I woke up, but when I sat up and turned towards Lightbulb's bed - she wasn't there.. I was a bit.. worried...

She usually isn't up before me and if she is she leaves a note before leaving, usually something like 'Good morning! Make sure to feed Baxter!' or if she left, left 'I'm at Test Tube's lab' or 'I'm at the park' or wherever she went.

So I looked on my side table, her side table, her bed, Baxter's tank, everywhere. No note, no nothing. I got more worried.. Than a small piece of paper fell from my forehead, I picked it up and read it

'Morning Grumpster! I went to Testy's so don't worry about me!

Love, Lightbulb ♡
(P.S, don't forget to feed Baxter)'

a sigh of relief escaped me, thank MePhone she's fine.. But why'd she leave it on my head? Whatever, it doesn't matter. I might as well go eat breakfast.

I walk to the kitchen, kinda weirded out since it seemed no one else was up.. 'Maybe I woke up at 5 AM or something and didn't realize it?' 'But then why would Lightbulb already've been up..' 'Maybe Test Tube woke her up for an experiment?' Probably.. I just hope the experiment isn't weird or dangerous if that is the case..

I walk into the kitchen then stop almost immediately seeing Lightbulb, digging through a cabinet while standing on the counter. She was probably looking for food. She had seemingly fake ears and tail decorations on, she was the only thing I could see since there was only one flickering and dim light working.. What the heck is going on?? It looked like something you'd see in a horror movie!

I was about to say something until I realized something was off(well, more off), as my eyes adjusted to the dark I realized the kitchen was a mess.. I walked to her, carefully. I was about to put a hand on her shoulder, until she turned around, making me jump back a bit. I chuckled a bit at how spooked I got until I looked closer at Lightbulb

 I chuckled a bit at how spooked I got until I looked closer at Lightbulb

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

'Her ears and tail looked and moved like they  were real.. And her face was weirdly and unnaturally "adorable".. What was hap-' my thought got caught off as Lightbulb lunged at me making me fall backwards, she was on top of me, she looked like a rabid animal. Foam leaked from her mouth, her eyes were huge and blank.

"Lightbulb, what are you doing?! Wh-What's happening?!?!" I yelled. "Pain.....ty..? Wha....." Lightbulb said softly until being cut off by Trophy "Umm.." he slightly chuckled "am I interpreting something?~" he teased, obviously misunderstanding what was happening.

Lightbulb snarled and jumped off me, onto Trophy. "Ga- what the hell?!?!" Trophy yelled trying to push Lightbulb off. I sat up and looked trying to understand what was happening, seeing Lightbulb biting his arm. I guess I took this as my chance to escape and ran past them.. I felt guilty for leaving him behind to (probably) die, but..... I didn't want to be next.

'Welp.. Trophy kinda sucked anyways..' I thought as I ran into what I thought was mine and Lightbulb's room, I was wrong, it was the storage closet. Almost everyone was in there.. Good thing it was oddly big, bigger than our rooms even. Test Tube looked at me and softly said "Paintbrush? Y-You're not dead?" I stared at her, confused for a second before answering "yep, so, does anyone know what the hell's wrong with Lightbulb?!" Test Tube sighed "well.. It was an experiment gone wrong...."

It took me a second to comprehend everything 'Lightbulb killed Trophy, and probably others, because "an experiment gone wrong". She may never be the same. She's going to find us soon or escape or we'll all die here from starvation or dehydration or something else. We'll die and we'll never get Lightbulb back because of Test Tube's experiment, Test Tube's experiment.....' this is all Test Tube's fault.... I snapped back to reality as my bristles heated up a bit "you mean.. We're stuck here because you made Lightbulb a werewolf thing?" Test Tube was a bit surprised at the sudden blame. "W-Well not ex-exactly, One. We're not st-stuck here.. T-Two. I-It was an ac-accident.. And Three. She's not a "Werewolf Thing" she's a-" she stuttered out till I cut her off, yelling "what do you mean an "Accident"?!?!"

Test Tube's POV

"what do you mean an "Accident?!?!" Paintbrush yelled at me. "Y-Yes.. I.. I didn't me-mean to a-and i-if you ju-just give me some time I c-ca-" I stuttered before being cut off, again "WE DON'T HAVE TIME, LIGHTBULB COULD FIND US ANY SECOND!!" Paintbrush yelled. I shushed them "P-Paintbrush..! Ke-Keep it down..! Lightbulb h-has extremely good he-hearing th-thanks to her n-new e-ears..!" I whispered to them. They nodded, still angry about me "starting this".

Then we heard dog like footsteps followed by the sound of boots coming closer.. Weird..

((Alzo, people who weren't in the clozet: Suitcase, Lightbulb, Marshmallow, Nickel, Dough, Fan, Trophy, Yin-Yang, Bow, OJ, Taco, MePad, MePhone4, Toilet, and the obviouz onez like alternative reality people, Steve Cobs, the other MePhones, ect))

I'll add picturez of the characterz(az in if they have a different character dezign in thiz like furry LB) every zo often zo people will underztand what they look like. Pluz I'll add picz for scenez that are hard to dezcribe, or juzt if I think it'll be better with a picture :).

Welp.. That was my attempt at making a story, I'll continue it for my enjoyment and for a certain perzon(coughcoughFreezercough), hope you liked it, and remember I have the power to kill off your favorite characterz!Fear my power. ~Lenny

OwO insanity(an Inanimate Insanity AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ