Where next?

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(TW: cussing)

No One's POV

They all heard the footsteps come closer and closer, then the footsteps stopped in front of the closet door. They all froze in place, staying perfectly silent; hoping the footsteps would walk off and leave them be.

But then.. Tissues sneezed- quite a few people glared at him, some backed away in disgust, and others stared at the door in fear.

Then..there was a knock, followed by a familiar voice "knock knock~ anyone in there?~" the voice purred.

Paintbrush seemed unsettled by the voice, Trophy, they were sure he'd be dead due to that attack from earlier..

Soap smiled and reached for the doorknob to let the person on the other side in, but Paintbrush grabbed her wrist to stop her, making Soap freak out and pull it back because who knows where PB's hand has been!

"Hm, guess not. Come on, pet; let's go." Then, the person with boots walked off, the beastly footsteps hurrying after them. Paintbrush sighs in relief.

"Why'd you do that, Paintbrush?" Microphone asked, watching Soap clean her wrist with one of the rags that were in the closet-

"I..thought he was dead- I saw Li... That thing, attack him." Paintbrush explained, a nervous expression on their face.

"Oh..-" was all Mic could mutter out.

Then they just sat there for what felt like an entirety, though it was only a couple of hours, not sure what to do next. Until-

Baseball stood up "I'm leaving." he growled before walking towards the door. I mean, he had to go- well, in his eyes he did. Nickel, his 'best friend', wasn't here; who knows what might happen to him if Baseball wasn't there to warn him.

Everyone just watched before Paintbrush stood up as well. "Well, we can't just stay here forever." they said as they carefully followed him out.

And one by one, everyone got up and carefully followed the others. They heard something upstairs which they assumed was the creature that was once their friend, Lightbulb, breaking and destroying stuff; which meant they weren't downstairs, which meant they could leave.

And that's exactly what they did, after grabbing the food that wasn't destroyed from the fridge and some other stuff that wasn't upstairs. They weren't sure where to go, but they knew they couldn't stay here.

After awhile away from the hotel, they had to decide where to go next.

Baseball and Paper wanted to go to the store since Nickel and OJ went there.
[Aka their boyfriendz lmao]

Salt second(or- third-?) the store one 'cause OJ.

Apple wanted to go to the mansion, aka back home, because Marshmallow was there.

Paintbrush and Knife just wanted to find a phone and call the police because that made the most sense-

Microphone wanted to go in the forest to make a small camp/base of some sort.

Soap didn't care where they went, as long as it wasn't too dirty.

There was a lot of bickering and such. Everyone bickered and bickered and bickered until someone finally put a stop to it. "a-alright, quit it! This isn't getting us anywhere!" Everyone looked over at the person who spoke, Paper.

"Look- there's some sort of- ..monster in the hotel, that's probably ruining everything and probably killed people- I think the most reasonable thing to do is, uh, Paintbrush and Knife's idea- let's find the nearest phone and call the police, or maybe Oj,," "we can call your boyfriend later, Paper-" "right, right- police first-- so- where's the nearest phone?"

"..well, sides at the hotel. Probably the store, actually-" Knife said after thinking for a bit.

"Alright, let's go there then." Baseball said, already starting to walk - but Microphone stopped him.

"Baseball, it'll take forever to get to the store without a car- that thing might catch up to us before we get there!" Baseball turned around to glare at Mic. "Well then what do you think we should do?" he growled.

Microphone thought for a bit before speaking. "Let's..go into the forest, make a base, and then make a trap! Then we cann.. Trap it while Test tube makes something to change her back!"

"that's actually.. Not such a bad idea." Test tube said, smiling a bit.

"yea, why not. Let's go." Knife said, walking towards the forest.

Microphone smiled as she and almost everyone else followed.

Baseball's POV

I just glared from a far for a bit until scoffing and following as well. "fine, whatever."

And so we ventured off into the forest, probably off to get ourselves killed. I just hope Nickel's doing better than me..

Back at the hotel..

Nickel's POV

"FUCK FUCK FUCK--" I screamed as I ran down the stairs, away from Lightbulb who I walked in on while she was tearing up Baseball's bed?? She then tried to bite me, so I ran, obviously.

"Why are you screaming, Nickel??" OJ asked in a worried tone, he was in the kitchen, trying to clean up some sense it was absolutely trashed for some reason. "Oh nothing, OJ; but just maYBE IT'S BECAUSE A DUMBASS FURRY IS CHASING ME??" I said in a sarcastic tone before screaming again; I then got tackled, hitting my head as I was shoved to the ground.

I winced and slowly opened my eyes to look at Lightbulb.

Foam leaked out of her mouth and her eyes were big and blank.

Now, you all are probably wondering how the fuck I got in this situation. Well, I'll tell you..

In the next chapterrr ;)

Alzo: oh shiz- itz OJ and Nickel 😳😳

Alzo alzo; zorry thiz took awhile and iz (a bit)shorter than lazt chapter, lazt chapter waz already written for me(by 2019 or 2018 me, thankz pazt me :3) and I juzt had to fix it, zo I actually have no idea where I wanted/want thiz to go- zo I'm juzt, uh- winging it rn-- I mean, I have a few thingz(including next chapter :) ) sorta planned/I want to include at zome point- but other than that I don't even have a basic idea on what to do after the next chapter qwq-

Zo zorry if the next chapter takez awhile, I'll try to not take az long and/or make it longer but no promizezzz--
Tho senze I actually have an idea on what I wanna do thiz time, it'll probably take lezz time :)
Emphaziz on the probably skshsk-

But thatz all for now- zo juzt remember: I have the power to kill off your favorite characterrr(zzzz), fear my power >:) ~Lenny

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