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Nickel's POV


Me and OJ had gone to the store to get some stuff we ran out of back at the hotel, I was riding in the shopping cart and every now and then grabbing something I wanted and hiding it under stuff that was already in the cart when OJ wasn't looking.

After a while we finally got to the checkout, OJ found my stuff and simply rolled his eyes before buying it. "Aha, mission accomplished." I said under my breath, smirking as OJ scanned my items.

On our way home I was trying to text BB since he usually texted me after a while to make sure I was fine, but he wouldn't answer.. Which was even more strange since he almost always answered me-

I groaned and just left it; I said I was fine and that's all I needed to say, after all.

Soon enough, we finally got home. I tried to get out and inside before OJ told me to help with groceries, but failed. "Nickel, don't be rude; help me and carry in all your stuff." OJ huffed.

I groaned and turned around to protest. "Oh yea, and that's going to be a breeze without arms." I said in my classic sarcastic tone.

OJ rolled his eyes. "At least get some of the others to help, preferably the ones who won't whine." he growled, getting some of the bags already.

I smirk and go inside, but my smirk soon vanished at the sight of what looked to be right out of a horror movie.

I stare in confusion and slight fear

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I stare in confusion and slight fear. "What the fu.."

I flinched a bit as the light came on and as my eyes adjusted, I didn't see anything there anymore. I then flinched again as I heard OJ talk. "You ok? You're kind of, just.. Standing there." I look over and nod a bit before walking upstairs to get the others.

I swear I saw someo..something there... What was it..? I thought to myself as I walked towards mine and Basey's room; I wasn't actually going to ask him for help with the groceries(that'd be dumb since we both have no arms), but.. I gotta admit... I was a little worried.... Normally he would've texted me at least once by now, he was just like that; always worrying about me.

My rambling thoughts were cut off by a loud scream from OJ. "OH MY MEPHONE- WHAT HAPPENED TO THE KITCHEN?!" he screeched from downstairs.

I snickered a bit as I opened the door, I then froze as I saw.. Lightbulb? T, tearing up Baseball's bed?? Like a dog??? "whaa the,,?" I muttered in confusion.

Lightbulb looked over at me with her soulless eyes and her weird ears and tail. I groan. "What the fuck are you doing this time??" I snapped since she was always doing weird ass shit like this.

She said nothing, instead she got up and walked over to me. I cringed a bit at the smell "Ugh.. You smell terri..-" I grumbled before she tried to bitE ME-- I let out a yelp before immediately bolting, not wanting to be bitten(obviously).

Lightbulb started chasing me, on all fours.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK--" I screamed as I ran down the stairs, away from Lightbulb who I-

wait.. Oh, we're all catched up- and you already know that part..

"Why are you screaming, Nickel??" OJ asked in a worried tone, he was in the kitchen, trying to clean up some since it was absolutely trashed for some reason. "Oh nothing, OJ; but just maYBE IT'S BECAUSE A DUMBASS FURRY IS CHASING ME??" I said in a sarcastic tone before screaming again; I then got tackled, hitting my head on the wall as I was shoved to the ground.  I winced and slowly opened my eyes to look at Lightbulb.  Foam leaked out of her mouth and her eyes were big and blank.

I whined and shut my eyes again.


I stare in horror from the kitchen as Lightbulb bit into Nickel.. A strange metallic liquid drips out of his wound and mouth as he just laid there, twitching.

I panicked, hurrying out the door. I didn't want to be next, after all; but.. What happened? Why did Lightbulb bite Nickel? How did Lightbulb bite Nickel?? He's metal???

Upon hearing footsteps come closer to the door I bolted, knowing I'd be much easier to break since I was glass and not metal.

I ran towards the Perilous Forest, I already started to put one and one together and I have to assume the mess and the quietness in the normally loud hotel is due to that creature.

Walking into the forest I knew I should be much more careful as to not break myself. So I just wandered, thinking of what to do next.

Baseball's POV

I trudged behind everyone, still wanting to go back and find Nickel but not complaining verbally anymore since I knew there was no point..

I look over at the 'leader' of the group, Microphone. She was only leading for now since she knew where a 'nice, abandoned cabin near a river that I explored during one of my nice wood walks' was, or so she claims. She would mumble every now and then and sometimes stop and "think" for a bit.

After a while, she led us to.. a nice looking cabin? It was in really good condition and didn't look abandoned at all..

"Ta da! Told you guys!!" Microphone exclaimed, walking towards the door.

"be careful, Microphone-! A wild animal might be in there,," Paper said in a slightly worried tone, examining the cabin for any sign of life.

The door creaked a bit as Microphone opened it and strolled in

"Maybe we should wait out here for a bit to see if there's a wild animal." Paintbrush suggested.

"How would waiting out here do that?" Knife questioned. "See if Mic gets mauled or not." PB explained. "Ah-"

So they waited...until Microphone peeks out of the cabin. "Alright guys! There's no animals or nothing, come on in!!" She chirps.

And so they all went inside, some more hesitant than others..but eventually BB got in and shut the door behind them...

Ya boi iz backkkk

Zorry that thiz took zo long hh- but at leazt thiz chapter iz longer than the lazt twoooo :DD

Anywayz, dunno what Imma do next but like alwayz, guezz I'll wing it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


And bye for nowwwww; and remember, I have the power to kill off your favorite character(z)~ fear my power :) ~Lenny

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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